Two: Glory

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"I want your signature!"

"Can you say my name?"

"Can you get me into a movie?"

"Can I be your BFF?"

"I'm her BFF, you idiot!"

"You're so pretty!"

"Are you sure you're human?"


She smiled and nodded politely. Tsunami walked beside her, rolling her eyes. She linked arms with Glory in a protective way, sighing in exhaustion as she clicked her tongue.

"Tut, tut, tut. Why don't they know the real star of it all?" Tsunami whined. She gave Glory a fake glare and turned to the crowd. "Hello? Why aren't you calling my name? Anyone watched the Dragonet Prophecy? I'm Tsunami! I'm awesome!"

Glory laughed lightly— the first real laugh she had in months. Her light voice swallowed the exhaustion, the tire of seeing everyone treat her like a goddess.

She was just human. She didn't deserve all this attention. She didn't want all this attention. That sounded very whiny, but everything got tiring after a while.

Especially after the incident that had happened a few months ago, when there was a rumor going around about her using her body— whatever that meant— to get a main role for a movie. Everyone had turned their back. Her fans and her supporters treated like she didn't exist. They all looked her with eyes that shouted things they couldn't put into words. Slut. Whore. Shameful and dirty.

The fame was something that didn't belong to her. They didn't even know her, not really. They were in love with who they thought she was. She had learned that when the rumors were proven lies and everyone returned. They came back and forth like ping ping balls, choosing what to believe, saying whatever that pleased them. She knew she shouldn't get used to the smiles and laughs. They could be taken away at any moment, and she didn't want to experience that much pain ever again. Putting her trust in others too easily.

"The Famous Riptide sent you a script," Glory said, pulling a paper out of her purse. Anything to get her mind away from the fact everyone wanted to talk to her, have her signature, kiss her hand— anything.

Tsunami took it with uncertainty. Glory's lips curled into a smile. "Seriously? After he shoot The Waves and kissed a woman I hate?"

"He had to," she pointed out. "It was a movie, 'Nami."

Tsunami glared at her. "I get that, but he didn't even tell me about it. Imagine my shock when I watched their Ship Moments on YouTube. Honestly. I'm throwing this stupid script away! Didn't you see—"

She shook with anger, her cheeks flushed.

"—their engagement ring?" She finished, disgusted. "Their fans. Their ship name. Everyone screaming in delight. Yeah, it's totally my freaking OTP! Hooray! Way better than his real girlfriend, Tris. Or was it Tsunami?"

"That was part of the movie, too," Glory pointed out. "Just read it, for goodness's sake."

"Hey, Glory!" Deathbringer said, coming up to them. He smiled at Tsunami, an eyebrow raised. "Hi. I'm Deathbringer."

Tsunami raised her eyebrows. "Deathbringer? Are you sure? Not YayHappyRainbows or BeHappy? Deathbringer?"

Deathbringer rolled his eyes, looking annoyed. "I'm sure."

"Please," Glory said. She couldn't help it. They had sent her here to have a break, and she was supposed to have someone following her around? Who even killed celebrities nowadays? Obviously not the kids in her school. "I don't need bodyguard. Tsunami here is the top most feared girl in school. She breaks people's necks for fun."

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