text / irl

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Finn Wolfhard: hey, we need to talk about what happened. im not going to ignore this.

Riley Jackson: okay, that sounds good. im on my way home from the Orlando's.

Finn Wolfhard: Okay.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I am nervous as hell. The last time we talked was when I confessed and that was 5 days ago. I have been staying with the Orlando's. Practically living with them, because I didn't want to deal with Jack because I am pissed at him.

Also, because I couldn't face Finn, I hurt him so much.

"Johnny, I can't do this." As he opened the front door for me. He smiled sadly, "you got this, i believe in you. come right back after if you need me and the fam. we'll be waiting for you. love you lil sis." Johnny said, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and hugged him back. "Okay. I'll see you later." I said, taking a deep breath in and out. I walked out to my car, and started to drive off.

Once I was home, I turned my car off and slowly got out of my car. Just get over with it.

I walked up to the door, and was about to open it, until I heard my name get called. I turned around and saw Emery. Great.

"Oh, hey Emery." I said, giving a small smile. "Hey, long time no see." He said, walking over. I faked laughed, "haha yeah." i said, and he smiled. "We should catch up sometime soon!" He said, and I nodded. "Okay, yeah sure." I said, and he nodded. "Well, I'll see you around." He winked and I smiled.

Thank god he left. He's nice, but I am so done with boys for now on. I opened my door, and closed it behind me.

I turned around and froze as i spotted Jack leaning against the wall. "You're back." He said, and crossed his arms. I slowly nodded, "well it is my house." i said, with an attitude. he rolled his eyes, and chuckled. "What's with the attitude princess?" He said, coming closer to me. "Nothing, don't call me that. You lost all rights to when you cheated on me 3 times." I spat.

He looked upset, but shook his head. "I've apologized, there's nothing I can say to take it back and if there was, I would. You know I love you so much. Riley, I miss you. I miss the feeling of you hugging me, kissing me, your touch. Everything." He said, and I frowned.

Don't give in Riley. You're here for Finn. Jack hurt you, he broke your relationship up with Finn. Don't do it.

"Must suck. Now excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be and people I need to see!" I sarcastically smiled, and shoved passed him. He caught my wrist, and gently pulled me back. "I know you still love me. You wouldn't of had kissed back if you didn't." He whispered, his face close to mine.

I felt myself get very nervous and hot. Fuck. Stop. It's like Jack had me under a trance, I couldn't get out. He went to lean in, but I stood frozen, scared of what will happen if I move.

"Riley. You're back!" I heard Chosen's voice exclaim, pulling me away from Jack. I fucking love you Chosen.

"Come on, lets go upstairs." He said, and winked at me. "I fucking love you. Thank you." I whispered, and he laughed. "I gotchu. Jack's just being an asshole." He said, and I agreed.

"Do you know where Finn is?" I asked, and Chosen nodded, "in his room." He said, I nodded. "Thank you." I said, and walked over to Finn's room, well technically mine.

I knocked on the door, and I heard a faint "come in." I let out a a breath, and opened the door slowly.

Then, Finn and I made eye contact. Right there and then, I wanted to bolt out of the room. I started to tear up a little because seeing him, reminds me of how much I hurt him.

Finn noticed that I was about to cry, and opened his arms. He sighed, "come here." He said, still with his arms opened. "What?" I said, confused. Why is he acting nice?

He slightly chuckled. "Riley, get over here." He said, and I slowly walked over to him, sat on the edge of his bed, feeling awkward. Does he not remember what I did?

All of the sudden, Finn wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. I hug back, and sigh. "Listen, I am still upset but not mad, I could never be mad at you. I'm so glad you told me, instead of hiding it. You loved Jack, and you still do. I know you do.

And it's okay, I'm not mad. I love you and I want you to be happy, Riley. You're my best friend, and I'd rather just have that then to lose you." Finn said, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I'm sorry Finn." I said, and started to cry.

He pulled me closer to him, and rubbed my back. "It's okay Riles. It's okay. I want you to be happy." He said and I smiled through my tears.

"I love you Finn, you really are my best friend. I'm so sorry for everything. I thought I was over him, and I was happy. But when that whole situation happened, I knew that i wasn't over him and that I missed him. I feel horrible." I said, and he smiled lightly, "don't feel horrible. you can't control your feelings. be with him, riley." finn said.

I smiled, and pulled Finn into another hug. "Thank you Finn." I said, and he kissed my cheek. "You will always be my best friend."


I hate myself because I love Riley and Finn so much more wow!

anyways, kind of off topic to the story but I don't know if you like Justin Bieber or not but I love him and always supported him since 2009.

he's getting married!!!!! ugh I am so proud and happy for him. but i will miss jelena more than ever. 😕

BUT YEAH! THAT HAPPENED. Riley and Finn are okay :)

Now what's gonna happen with Riley and Jack??? 🧐🧐

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