I feel "sick"

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After the most boring astronomy class of your life, you had to go to gym. Except you didn't feel like it for many reasons. Mainly the fact that physical education is boring and Marella was in your gym class. Not to mention, you weren't the most athletic person at Foxfire. Leave that to Fitz Vacker AKA Wonderboy. The golden boy of Foxfire.

Having no desire to talk about boys for an hour especially blond ones, you rushed to the gym way ahead of everyone else. You planned to fake being sick to get out of class and spend it reading instead. Hopefully, Marella wouldn't be too mad at your unexplained absence.

"Y/N!," An elf with periwinkle eyes stopped you in the hall. "What's the rush?" His dimples slowly began to form in his cheeks. He tended to pop at random places, always coming out of no where. He walked along side you, matching your pace.

"Hey Dex, do you have any ideas for getting out of gym? I was going to fake being sick..." You trailed off, lost in thought. He looked like he was considering your options. Knowing Dex, he definitely had at least 5 plans coming to mind right now.

"Well, you aren't the best actress around..."

"I know, I know. Why do you think I'm asking for help?"

"Because you're finally recognizing me for the genius I am." His stupid grin somehow got even bigger. You studied his face for a minute. His freckles seemed more prominent today.

"Spill it, Dexter Dizznee! I know you have an idea!" You bumped into him as if that would encourage him to tell you. He responded by pushed you lightly back. You impatiently waited for a response.

"I have some time, I was just about to go see Fork- I mean Leto." He quickly corrected himself. "What if I go tell whoever's leading PE today that you're sick and had to go straight to Elwin? That way you don't have to bring out your horrendous acting." He joked.

"You genius!" You stopped walking and hugged Dex. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Dex began to look flustered. "Is my acting really the awful?" You let go of the embrace to look him in the eyes.

"The worst!" He exclaimed, the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled this time. "You couldn't lie to anyone if it's life or death, but that's a good thing. I like that about you."

You laughed and gave him a small performance complete with dramatic singing and reciting a small bit of Romeo and Juliet. A human play you had read in your free time. You actually enjoyed the story.

Your "performance" made Dex laugh even more. "Encore! Encore! Give it up for the one and only
Y/N!" He did his best announcer impersonation. "Now hurry up and get out of sight. The only way I can get you out of class is if you're not acting healthy in the middle of the hall!"

You thanked him again and hurried back to your locker to put your stuff away and grab your book. Not only did you get to miss PE, you got to read!

After licking your locker and realizing why Marella hated the taste. (It was the elf version of the taste of uncooked fish) You headed down one of the back hallways where you would be least likely to be noticed. You decided the best place to go was the theatre since it was only used for assemblies and practicing for musicals after school.

It did seem like the best place to go, until you opened the door to find that it was occupied, by a blonde boy who was clearly also skipping class.

He looked at you and smirked, "You again?"

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