Foxfire is big enough for both of us

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"Come on," Marella pulled you down the hall. "I have to get my books out my locker. We also need to talk." She hurried ahead of you, her braids swishing as she walked.

"Wait!" You increased your walking speed. "Talk to me about what?" You searched through your brain, trying to remember if you could have done something to upset Marella. "You're not mad at me right?" You said softly, following her walking speed.

"Mad at you!" Marella explained, "Should I be?" She gave you a curious look, her blue eyes squinting in suspicion. "Are you not telling me something-" Her words cut off as you turn the corner and ran straight into someone.

"Oh, (Y/N)! You're so clumsy. I'm sorry." Marella apologized to the boy. You just stood there speechless. She had to nudge you to get you to snap out of it. "Oh! Sorry. I'm so sorry!" You stammered out. All three of you bend down to gather your fallen textbooks and papers.

"It's no big deal, really." The boy grinned and handed you a pile of papers. "I must say, I may have been a bit distracted myself. At least enough to let a pretty elf run into me." He winked. You weren't impressed. Did he go around saying this to every girl?

"It won't happen again. I promise." You thanked him and grabbed Marella. "Let's go to your locker now." You were completely embarrassed and definitely didn't want to stand around talking to that boy.

"Next time, don't get distracted by my good looks!" The blonde boy called after you. You rolled your eyes and groaned.

"Trust me. It wasn't your looks that distracted me in the first place." You shouted back, followed by another eye roll. You glanced at Marella who was practically beaming. "You just spoke to Keefe Sencen!! That's so awesome." She squealed. She was acting as if you had just saved the world from humans.

"Keefe who?" You finally reached Marellas locker. "Why is he so special? He just seems like another player to me." You couldn't help but think of his teasing. He must do that to every girl he meets. He just wants them all to like him.

"How is he so special?!" Marella licked her locker. "Okay, that is the worse thing I've ever tasted." She grimaced almost as if she was in pain, while placing her books inside. "Every girl likes him at Foxfire. How have you never heard of him?" Her face was filled with genuine shock.

"Unlike you, I dont spent all day thinking about the boys here. I'm here to improve my ability and get an education. Not speak to cute boys with blond hair." You shrugged and closed her locker for her. You didn't want to talk about this anymore, there were classes to get to!

"You think he's cute!!" Marella practically screeched. You responded with a look that basically said 'If you don't lower your voice right now, I'll do it for you.'

"He's okay looking," You wouldn't fully agree to her. No one way were you letting her know. You'd never hear the end of it. Plus it didn't matter, did it? You'd never speak to him again. Foxfire was more than big enough to make sure you never ran into each other again. You were determined to make sure of that.

"Fine. You dont need to say anything. I can just tell from your eyes!" She giggled, causing you to break eye contact and look away. This was beginning to feel like the longest walk to class in your life.

"Oh, look at the time!" You pointed to the non-existence watch on your wrist. "I must get going, I'm truly sorry." Your voice had a hint of sarcasm in it that Marella definitely caught onto. You hurried off to your next class.

Marella rolled her eyes, "Whatever Y/N," she smiled, "I know how you feel about KEEFE SENCEN." She called after you. Other students began to turn in your direction.

"YEAH, I FEEL NOTHING. AND I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT  TAM SONG." You said in a practically sing song voice. You couldn't help but giggle as the girl with braids expression turned from shock to anger. She stomped her foot, gave you a "you'll pay for this" look and walked away, giving you the peace and quiet you've wanted since the beginning.

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