Chapter Eleven: Guilt

Start from the beginning

A slight stirring beside me snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Dylan?" Kaylee said, grinning as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hi, sweetheart."

She apparently realized her situation just then and her hands flew to her disheveled hair. She combed it out with her fingers and wiped the little dribble of drool on the corner of her mouth. I chuckled lightly at her wild effort to look nicer.

"I probably look extremely disgusting, don't I?" she groaned.

"No, you don't."

She smiled in relief.

"You only look slightly disgusting," I teased.

She gasped and slapped my arm.

"You're despicable!!"

"And yet you still love me," I smirked in return.

"Shut up, cassanova. Let's make some breakfast."

We spent the next hour trying to make some buttermilk pancakes. Let's just say it ended with flour on the ceiling and in our hair. didn't go smoothly. Even though half the pancakes came out burned, we managed to create pretty amazing pancakes in the end.

We sat down in her family's breakfast nook and savored our delicious, non-burned pancakes.

"This is so good," she said with her mouth full.

"Wow, so lady-like Kaylee."

"Shut up!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "So are you going to Lola's party tomorrow night?"

"Umm...I'm not sure. I mean it's the night before school and it'll be the first party I go to"

"Come on, Kaylee! You're gonna be going with me and that's a thousand times better than going with him! Right?"



"Of course, Dyl. I was just messing with you!" she laughed loudly.

"So does that mean a yes?"

"Sure, I guess I'll go. But you better not ditch me for some pretty girl alright?"

"No promises."

She swatted my arm again, quite violently if you ask me.

"Ow!! Will you stop that?"

"Promise me you won't ditch me!"

"Fine, I promise. But how do you know I'll keep my word, Kay?" I said with a devilish smirk.

"Because...because I trust you," she said softly. "And I don't say that to many people anymore."

My face softened from its playful state and I got up to hug her. My stomach dropped at her statement and my heart ached. It sucked to see her so vulnerable and it felt even worse knowing that I could've softened the blow by telling her earlier. Why did I have to let Ryan's words get to me? The manipulating asshole. I hoped and prayed that Kaylee would be able to forgive me if she found out, even though that was a slim chance.

As I stroked her hair, my mind was still etched with worry. The guilt was eating me alive now.


Another chappy up, yes! It's relatively shorter than the other chapters (by like 1000 or 1500 words - oops), but this is more of a filler chapter anyways. Things will definitely go down in the next chapter though!

Okay, this week my story went up to #472 in the What's Hot list for Short Story. I can't even say how much that meant to me, so I wanted to thank you all here for your support :)


Thoughts on the cute Kaylan bonding in this chapter?

Ideas on what Kaylee should wear to the party? Keep in mind that it's some time in the fall.

Goal/Motivation: to get at least 5 votes on this chapter. And maybe get my story to 715+ reads? If it doesn't happen, that's alright, but it really does help budge me to write the next chapter faster!

Note: I'm going to be going on vacation soon, but I'll have some free time so I'll try to keep writing!

Alright, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, fan, or add this story to your reading list if you did :)

lots of love, rhi.

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