Vampire! Zack X Reader [AU]

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Requested by Duskshimmertales!

Hope you enjoy this chapter 😊



"Be careful, [Y/n]. There is a rumor saying there is a vampire wandering around in the forest. He's targeting on young women like you."

That is what Danny told [Y/n] when she was planning to visit the next town to see a festival. She really wanted to go but because of Danny, she could not stop thinking about the vampire. There was no way that vampires exist. He must be doing that on purpose to prevent her from going to the festival. Well, what did she expect? She is his little sister, so he had right to worry about her of walking around during nighttime.

Her [e/c] eyes could not stop looking around her surroundings with anxiety reflected in them. In case if something happened on her, she brought a dagger as protection. She learned of how to use it as her brother loves to make surgery on someone to take his or her beautiful eyes. Even though it was gross and a horrible thing to do, she still loves him as he was her only family member left after...their mother decided to kill herself.

Shaking the depressing thought away, [Y/n] focused on making her way to the other town. Suddenly, she heard rustling in the foliage near her. Taking out the dagger, she looked around with caution. "Who's there?" she called, looking around the dark forest, a lantern in her less dominant hand. 'It must have been the wind' she thought. Putting the dagger away, she turned around, but screamed when someone stood in front of her with bandages around his face, revealing his eyes. He started to laugh when saw her fear. "That's it! Show more fear, you little mortal!" he said, his eyes turning crimson red.

She started to run away without any sense of direction. She just wanted to escape from him. Danny was right! There was a vampire in this forest! Why had she not listened to her crazy brother? She should have listen to him for once even though he was a crazy person! "You can't run from me, girl!" she gasped, when he suddenly appeared in front of her. She turned to run, but a hand grabbed her by her wrist and turned her around, pushing her to the tree. Her back hit the trunk and fear appeared in her eyes when she saw him licked his lips, showing a small sign of his sharp fangs.

"You smell nice; I hope your blood is just as tasty as other girls'."

Trembling with fear, she struggled to break free from his grip but he was too strong! Well, he was a vampire. Of course, he would be strong! The bandaged vampire stepped back, blood dripping from his hand. Glancing at his injury, he smirked before looking at [Y/n], holding the dagger in her hand. "Don't come any closer or I will kill you," she warned. He chuckled, licking the blood from his hand. "You're a feisty one, girl," he said. It was so disgusting to watch him lick his own blood.

"But you're messing with a vampire, girl. Bad mistake."

Her eyes widened when realizing it. His hand grabbed hers, which was holding the dagger and placing under her neck while pinned her on the tree once again. Her body was shaking, holding back his strength, which tried to push the blade into her skin. "You're really strong for a Human," he said. Even as a vampire, he would like to see his victim's blood sprayed everywhere. The blade touched her skin and blood started to come out with a sweet scent. He grinned, unable wait to suck her blood until it is gone! She closed her eyes with a tear slipped out from her eyes.

She do not want to die. What would her brother do if he know a vampire killed her? He might not stop looking for the vampire and avenged her death.

"Sorry... Danny." [Y/n] whispered, losing her consciousness when blood spilled everywhere. She could only heard the vampire's psychotic laugh filling the atmosphere, before her body went limp.


Oh my god! I feel so bad for killing [Y/n]!

If you don't like it, I will change it! Well, I don't like killing [Y/n] but this is the only idea I could think of.

So...hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Hina: You're so evil for killing [Y/N]!! Danny will never know what happened to his sister)

I lied 😝! There will be a part 2 of this, so don't worry. I wouldn't let our [Y/n] died just like that 😂😂

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