✧Dealing With Idiots✧

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Dedication goes to FiFiursul. Isaac may be is gone but he is not forgotten! I'm glad you enjoy my story so much! Thank you for all your great feedback!

Chapter 5- ✧Dealing With Idiots✧

It didn't take me long to find Ms.McCall but when I did I almost forgot how to breathe. She was completely covered in blood as she leaned up against a wall like she was trying to catch her breathe. 

"Holy crap," I whispered in a hushed tone before rushing over to her. "Melissa! Are you okay?"

By this point another nurse had hurried over to her once she saw the blood. Ms.McCall explained how she was fine and none of the blood was her's before she was dragged me to the side to really explain what happened.

"He definitely wasn't normal but he wasn't like Scott either. I don't know what he was but he was eating the insides of a police officer." Melissa told me in a quiet yet still urgent tone.

My eyes widened. "Scott went after him."

"Charlotte, don't worry, Scott can handle himself. " Ms.McCall assured me but the worry looked on her face told me that this creature Scott was going up against won't be easy to take down.

"No, I need to find him," I decided before even thinking it through. Melissa McCall tried to stop me but I ignored her as I sprinted in the direction Scott had gone. It was easy running through the halls as they were empty for some odd reason. I began loosing hope that I'd be able to find Scott when my eyes came across a trail a blood on a wall. It led to stairs going up. Without hesitation I rushed up them, desperate to find Scott and not really caring about what else I could be facing.

Finally I came to the top of the stairs and I quickly burst through the door's and onto the hospital roof top. I hardly got two feet before I stopped dead in my tracks.

In front of me was someone --or rather something-- that terrified me as much as seeing my own brother as a werewolf for the first time. It was a man with absolutely no mouth. He simply kept his eyes trained on me as he brought a finger up to where his lips should be as if he were telling me to stay quite. I tried to stumble away from him which ended up in me tripping over my own feet and falling to the ground.

The mouth-less man just simply moved past me and headed down the stairs which left me in complete and utter shock. But I quickly remembered Scott and I forced myself up to my feet. There was a stinging sensation in my hand which I seemed to have scraped when I had tripped but that hardly mattered to me right now. I had to find Scott.

Not sure what else to do, I went towards the direction that the really creepy mouth-less man had came from. Sure enough my good werewolf friend was there.

"Scott," I breathed out in complete and utter relief. Thank god he was okay.

Upon hearing my voice, Scott quickly looked up at me with wide eyes. "Charlotte, what are you doing up here?"

Before I could answer him, I saw something next to him which caused my  hands to shoot up over my mouth. It was a heap of body -- a teenage boy by the looks of it-- with blood oozing out of it's back. At first I was worried that Scott had done it but then I saw that a single cut was where all the blood was coming from,a cut that couldn't have came from Scott's claws.

The sound of someone grunting out in pain caused me looked away from the seemingly dead body. At first I looked at Scott but when I saw he wasn't in pain my eyes fell upon someone I hadn't noticed before.


"Oh my god," I whispered before rushing over to Liam and falling to my knee's next to him. He was obviously in pain as he grasped at his bloody arm. As carefully as I could, I reached out to see what happened to him which caused him to hiss in pain. I gently put my hand over his. As I held Liam's hand he shakily looked up at me. "Liam, I'm not trying to hurt you. Just let me see it, please."

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