✧Hospital Drama✧

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Dedication goes to TbhIdkWhoIAm. I loved your comment on the last chapter and I'm glad your shipping Liam and Charlotte already! That must mean I'm doing something right!

Chapter 4-Hospital Drama

As it turns out, Liam was going to be needed to be taken to the hospital. The nurse said something about how he'd need to get a x-ray or something to see how bad it was.

"I'll uh, go get my Jeep so I can,um, drive you," Stiles offered before quickly exiting the nurse's office. Then he poked his head back in to look at me. "Wait, do you want to come with us."

"You're kind of my ride," I reminded him and Stiles nodded before leaving once more.

"Can you stay with Liam for a second, Char?" Scott asked suddenly. I nodded my head and soon Scott was also leaving the room, making it just Liam and I in the small nurse's office since the nurse had left a few minutes ago.

Liam and I sat there in an awkward silence seeing as my only true friends had just kind of hurt him. Eventually Liam sighed, apparently tired of staying quite for such a long period of time. Not everyone likes the silence as much as I do. I guess I just incorporated noises with either a horrible supernatural fight going on somewhere or my dad getting mad at my siblings and I.

"It looks pretty bad, doesn't it?" Liam questioned, looking over at me since I was in a seat two down from, the ugly yellow one between us was completely empty.

"I've seen worse," I answered honestly. It's not like my life has been a swift dream full of lollipops and unicorns.

Liam was quite for a second more before speaking up again, "So how do you know Scott and that other guy?"

I was quite for a second. I hated discussing my life, my living situation, my family, I just hated all of it. But I felt like Liam needed to talk about this instead of his injury.

"Scott and Stiles were good friends with my brother, Isaac." I answered quietly, knowing that my response would surely trigger more questions. I stared at the tiles in front of me as I awaited the next one.

Liam nodded, "Where's your brother at now?"


There was another awkward silence and I felt like my heart was expanding in my chest as Liam stared at me. This new attention was foreign and I kind of dreaded it. If only I could just be invisible to Liam like I was to pretty much everyone else in this school.

"You don't talk a lot do you?" Liam asked, surprising me by his sudden change in subject. I looked up at him and shook my head which I'm sure would've made him laugh if he hadn't been in so much pain. "How come?"

Once again I looked away from Liam, I was almost afraid he'd be able to read my mind if I held his gaze for too long.

"Have you ever heard of the term 'shy'," I attempted to joke but in my nervous tone it sounded more pathetic then humorous.

I'm sure Liam would've pressed the subject further if my phone hadn't buzzed. Thankful that it had done so, I quickly pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Stiles saying that he had pulled in front of the school and was ready for Scott and I to bring out Liam.

"Is that Stiles?" Liam questioned and I ended up nodding once more.

"Yeah," I muttered before standing up and calling out, "Scott!"

"I don't think he's going to hear you if you just shout to him. He could be far-"

Before Liam could even finish his sentence, Scott reentered the room, this time with a goofy smile on his face. "Yeah Charlotte?"

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