She Meets Them

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"So, what did I change in you?" I asked, teasing Isabella on our way back to my apartment.

"Don't push it," she says, looking out the window, rubbing her temples.


"I really prefer borrowing, Zelia," Isabella tries to reason. "You have a lot of dresses and you could just save this."

"She's right, you know," I agreed. "Don't waste your Christmas bonus on us."

"Oh, but I must!" Ms. Zelia says eagerly as she hands me ten 100 dollar bills. "Plus, it's my payment for when you bailed Isabella out."

"I'm gonna pay for that, Zelia," Isabella tells her. "You don't have to pay it for me."

"Actually, you don't have to pay at all," I tell them. They don't really need to, anyway. My parents provide me 500 dollars everyday.

"No, I'll pay you," Isabella tells me.

"No, I'll pay for you," Ms. Zelia tells Isabella.

"Then I'll pay you," Isabella tells her.

"No! You don't have to!" Ms. Zelia exclaims, holding out her hands. For a moment, we stayed like that, not sure of where this conversation is headed to.

Ms. Zelia then turns to me, putting 1000 dollars and clasping it inside my hands. "Buy her the best dress, and the best pair of stilettos you'll find," she says, looking at me in the eyes. "And keep the 500."

"I'll pay you, Ze-"

"No!" Ms. Zelia exclaims once more. "Now, it's already 12. You'll need to use all the time you have," she says, as she grabs me and Isabella by the elbow, dragging us out the door. "Have an awesome shopping, you two!" She says as she bids us farewell. "And Merry Christmas, lovebirds!"

"We're not-" Isabella tries to say that we're not lovers, but by that time Ms. Zelia had already closed the door on us.

"Geez, why is she on such a rush?" I sighed. For a moment, we stayed like that, just looking at the door.

"Well, guess I'm going with you," Isabella mumbles as she heads to my car.


We reach my apartment, where I notice a familiar Dodge Challenger parked in front of the complex.


"Hm?" Isabella hums, turning to me. I realized I have said what was on my mind.

"It's, uh, nothing," I start. "Is it okay for you to meet my friends?"

She keeps her eyes on me as I take the spot next to Jason's Challenger.

"Uh, yeah, why not?" She says as she removes her seatbelt. "But on one condition."

"What is it?"

She smirks, and I can say she's thinking of something. Something.


I knew it. I was right.

As I went up the flight if stairs, with Isabella towing behind me, I see them. Kara, Leo, Jason and Joe are all sitting on the floor in front of my door, holding presents. They were talking while sharing a bag of chips when Kara turns her head and sees me.

"There he is!" She points out. As I walked towards them, they all stood, and Kara hands me a box, which looks like a shoe box to me, wrapped in the essence of Christmas.

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