City Lights At Night

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I got home that afternoon from school. Kara came with me because she saw me as "free food", and in fact, that was my name in her phone. "You know how to cook nice food," she'd say, although almost all the food in my refrigerator was pre-cooked by Laurie for me. I'd just reheat it for Kara.

I went inside the room and immediately headed for my bed. I fell face down, throwing my bag aside. It was 5:30, and all I wanted to do was sleep, but Kara didn't let me. Instead, she kept taking out shirts and pants from my wardrobe, making different combinations of what she thought I should wear later. "You'd look good in these!" Kara exclaimed as she held out a black, button down polo, a pair of white pants, and a pair of plain black Rusty Lopez shoes. "I hate stain on my pants," I told her, so she changed the white pants to black pants. "Great, so I'm goth now?" I complained to her. "Emo. Goth is for girls," she said.

"No it's not," I said.

"Yes it is, Callsen, and you look great in black. It goes nice with your white skin," she smirked, putting aside the clothes and throwing it on my bed. "Now let's eat. I'm hungry."

I reheated the leftover chicken curry Laurie cooked for me last night. There were a lot left because Laurie didn't eat much as she was more tired than she was hungry. Kara and I ate, while she complimented me on my "skills". I wanted to tell her it wasn't me cooking all those, but it's what makes her compete with me more. Kara is a terrible cook, but she decided improving her cooking skills ever since she first ate Laurie's cooking. So I'm not gonna tell her until she's good at cooking.

Time passed, and it was already 7:00 pm. Jason, Leo and Joe arrived in Jason's black Dodge Challenger, much to my dismay, with Leo immediately pulling out "500 Days of Summer" from my collection. "I haven't watched this yet," Leo informs us.

"Can't we just go now?" I asked.

"There are barely anyone at clubs during this time. Maybe around 10," Jason said.

So we spent watching three hours worth of movies just to pass time. At around 9:30, Laurie came by to hand me some cake she bought. Seeing as we were busy, she wanted to move along but we told her to join us. We ate the cake and extended our deadline up to 11:00. "Oh, so you guys are going clubbing?" Laurie said in amazement that I am actually going for it. Initially I didn't want to, but the house was dirty, and I didn't want my friends to be somewhere dirty so I just agreed. Even right now, it was still dirty, but it turns out that none of us cared.

At around 10:30 pm, Laurie bid us goodbye because she was sleepy and would catch up some sleep. Luckily for us all, today was a Friday, so we could all get some sleep after staying up all we want.

I accompanied her to the door and opened it for her. Before she left, she turned and looked at me dead in the eye. "Make new friends," she said, as she tapped my shoulder and headed to her apartment dorm.

I shut the door, and turn to see my friends getting ready. "Gear up, Callsen," said Kara, pointing out to the emo outfit she picked out for me. "It's time."

We headed out at 11 to a club from another town. It was pretty big, and so were the people who entered. They dressed sharply, and you could not see anyone who looked otherwise. This is where rich kids go to.

Jason talked to the bouncer for a while, pointing out to us. The bouncer lets us in, but he seemed hesitant. I asked Jason what he told the guy once we were inside, and as it turns out, Jason had some connections with Radford Page, the son of the guy who owned the club.

We were a group of underaged high school kids in an adult populated club.

At first we were all shy to dance on the dance floor even though there were lots of people enjoying it already. Jason bought two buckets of liquor and told us to drink up because it's our ticket to the floor. I would drink once in a while, just waiting for them to all get confident and head to dance floor before I find some quiet place in this noisy building. It took them a bit longer than I thought, but after an hour or so, Jason invited us to dance, to which I excused myself, saying I needed to go to the bathroom. They danced their hearts out, while I went to the balcony of the club.

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