Author Note

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Hey guys sorry to spam your notification box with a note but I just wanted to talk about the story briefly. So in the last chapter I had a little mess up. I don't read the manga and don't really want to because I like the anime. It's just a personal preference. But I edited the chapter and fixed the mess up. I thought All For Ones victims were left permanently paralyzed but apparently that's not the case. It won't affect the story at all but it made me realize that now I'm all caught up and can't really go any further for a couple weeks. So until we get through the next arc I won't post another part. Plus I need time to plan out the characters role in the next arc. I'm excited to write about this new quirk.

So with that out of the way the story also hit 10k reads recently. I don't really know if that's good but I think it's funny that the character description has 1000 reads and the first chapter has like 600. Then I lost a lot of people between the USJ chapters. So I know what's good and what's bad. I think I have about 200 people that really follow the story.

All in all I've been enjoying writing this book and can't wait to pick it back up once I can. Thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement! Uh Also I'm incapable of drawing but I'd love it if someone with actual artistic ability could draw a cover for the book 😅. You'd get mad props from me. This story has done a lot for my mentality lately. It's relaxing and fun imagining my own character in the series. Plus as I've gone I think the story has improved 10 fold.

Lastly I did start a second bnha male reader book. I haven't updated it since the first part yet because I was enjoying Bubble Wrap to much. I will say the first part is rough but now that I can kind of piggy back off of the actual story itll get better. I have a solid sports festival planned out for that book and I'm going to try and be more descriptive.

If you have any questions for me I will try and answer them! They could be anything relating to the story or whatever comes to mind not related to the story.

Have a great day and take care of yourselves!

Bubble Wrap  ( BNHA x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now