All Might

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Yup. I'm fucked like a whore in church.

Iida "Ojiro id like to see if we can think of something."

Ojirou "Sure."

Asui "Tokoyami we should also come up with a strategy."

Tokoyami "I agree let's talk on our way to the arena."

F/N "Hey Baku..." you trailed off as the blonde male was already walking away from you and Midoriya.


A hand fell on your shoulder and you turned around to see Midoriya. "He probably won't talk to us until the match. Why don't we talk on the way to the projector?"

"Yea sure."

You two then started walking and strategizing.

F/N "Midoriya I really don't think you can just run from All Might. We can't fight him either. It'd be best if me and Bakugou work together to slow him down and you with your mobility run. I'm to slow to get away from him anyways."

Midoriya "I'll carry you. I'm strong enough to the point it won't slow me down. If you try to fight him he'll immobilize you instantly."

He worships All Might to much

"Well I guess we can do it your way." You said not wanting to go through the effort of trying to change his mind.

Midoriya is being more stubborn about this than usual

You two then made it to the projector room where recovery girl was watching Kirishima and Sato get ready for their fight with Cementoss.

"Seems I'll have a lot of work today." Recovery Girl Said tiredly.

Then the door opened behind you and Uraraka walked in

"Oh Deku? L/N? You guys are watching as well?"

"Yea we already came up with a plan. Bakugou probably won't talk to us until the match starts." Midoriya answered

"I know how that feels..." Uraraka said thinking about Aoyama in front of a mirror.

Yea that kinda sucks for her

"That's why I came here so I could use the other fights for reference." Uraraka said perking up a bit

"Team Kirishima and Sato. Proceed with the practical." A robotic voice announced as a screen showing the pair running through the streets.

They need to run. Mr. Cementoss is slow but the weights don't affect his quirk at all. It's still just as powerful.

Soon after you concluded your thoughts it was evident that the duo wanted to fight.

"Wow they are smashing through all those walls!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"They won't win at this rate." Midoriya replied.

"No they should have run." You added

"What do you guys mean?" Uraraka asked

"Kirishima and Satos quirks are amazing." Midoriya started "but they run out of steam rather quick. Cementoss doesn't have that issue. The teachers pitted students up against opponents they would have inherent trouble fighting."

Recovery Girl "You got it. It'll be a matter of how you kids can cover your weaknesses."

Not long after that Kirishima and Sato were knocked out and Recovery Girl left to go heal them.

Next was Asui and Tokoyami

Asui is a good all rounder. Other than her quirk not being SUPER powerful she has a great sense of strategy and calmness. Tokoyami on the other hand will have issues keeping Ectoplasm from getting between him and Dark Shadow.

Bubble Wrap  ( BNHA x male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя