Waking Up

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"Owwwww" you complained childishly while Midoriya talked to you about the match. Uraraka had face timed him so he could watch from the nurses office while recovering from his fight.

Midoriya "You were so cool! Fighting 2 on 1 in a desperate last stand to protect the bomb! And great use of the bubbles. If Iida wasn't there you might have had Kachan when you pinned him!"

"I doubt that. He was holding back because he was trying to respect the exercise. If push came to shove he would have broken out."

"Don't sell yourself short! You were at a huge disadvantage and still made it to the 7 minute mark. About half way to the 15 minutes."

"They did get lost trying to find the bomb a couple times."

-12 minuets earlier after your fight in the observing room-
All Might "So who wants to state anything about the fight?"

Yaoyorozu "L/N had a good strategy. I can see why he wanted to go alone. He didn't have much space left over in his bubble for a teammate and this way he wouldn't feel guilty if he didn't help them. However, when the shield protecting him and and bomb broke he didn't have a plan other than use his quirks lacking offense. He needed a plan B. As for Bakugou..."

She went on and on while All Might was about to run out of time

-back to present-
"Whatever F/N you ready to go back to class?"

"Yea I need to change into my uniform. I'll meet you there."
Your costume had a few tears in it like many others. The explosion Bakugou sent into your stomach didn't harm the suit as much as it blew you into a wall knocking you out. So you had bandages around your abdomen and your costume pants on.

"Oh I'll just come with you it's not a big deal."

I wanna change alone tho :/

"Ok I mean if you want to."

You made your way to the lockers after unfortunately passing some girls from general studies. They turned red at the sight of your shirtless and bandaged body and started giggling. Seeing them made your face flush red as a tomato.

Midoriya "why are you so red?" Midoriya said oblivious to the world.

"I'll... I... still haven't cooled down from my quirk usage." You lied to the innocent broccoli boi.

You reached the lockers and Midoriya grabbed your pants and handed them to you without you asking.

"Here you go!" He beamed at you with his smile.

My face is red again. This school has to many nice attractive people. Ugh.

"Th..thanks I'll try to hurry so we aren't late."

You changed and walked home with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka After the rest of class was over.

Iida "Hey L/N your quirk seems like it should be a typical hard light quirk."

Everyone in this class is observant.

"Yea my quirk is actually kind of rare. That doesn't make it special at all though. It's a blend of my father and mother's quirks. My father has the Hard light quirk your talking about. The recessive one that lets the user manipulate light into projectiles, shields, staircases, and so on. My mother's quirk is the common and genetically dominant bubble gum quirk. The one where you can produce bubble gum under your tung. It's rare for a hard light quirk to overcome a dominate quirk like bubblegum but even more rare to have them mix. My quirk allows me to manipulate light like my father, but only into bubbles like my mother. Neither of my parents trained their quirks. Hard light is an extremely difficult quirk to master and my mother never wanted to be a hero."

Bubble Wrap  ( BNHA x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now