His lips, his soft supple lips right in front of mine. I lick mine out of habit.

He looks at me for a moment before standing back up straight. "OK well don't do that again, please." He stretches and yawns. "I think I'm gonna head out. Call me if you need me though, OK?"

I nod. "I will."

"Alright, try to get some sleep. Night Bec." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek, but lingers just a little longer than normal. I close my eyes, inhaling his scent and enjoying the feel of it. "Sweet dreams." He whispers before leaving quickly.

Sonofa bitch.


I feel myself be jostled as I'm gently shaken awake. "Rebecca? Wake up hunny. Breakfast."

I barely open one eye, my eyelids feeling too heavy. I look to see its Nurse Bridget. I slowly open the other but immediately squint at the brightness of the room. "Bridget, could you...could you close the curtains or turn a light off? It's too bright in here."

"Of course. Give me one second." I keep my eyes closed but hear her bustle about the room. Behind my eyelids I can see that it's dimmer now. I cautiously open one eye and am relieved to find it a suitable brightness.

I open both of them and sit up, bringing the bed table closer to me. "Thank you. I just didn't get much sleep, my eyes are burning."

"It's no problem dear. Were you in too much pain? Do we need to increase your meds?" She asks walking over to my IV bag.

"No, no pain. Just couldn't sleep."

She just nods in understanding. "OK well if you do, just let me know. You're on a pretty low dose so we can make you more comfortable if you're not."

"I will, thank you." I take a sip of water and it's wonderfully refreshing.

"OK everything looks good here. You should be able to shower later. Dr Hanson will be here this afternoon and can give you his approval. We will probably have you take a walk too, see how you do."

"That would be great. I'm starting to go a little stir crazy."

She laughs. "I feel ya. Just hang in there. Call if you need anything." She smiled and then left me to eat my breakfast.

I glanced at the clock and it read 7:22. Way too early. I think I got about three hours of sleep. I would definitely be taking an immediate nap after I ate. That was my only complaint. The food wasn't too bad but it came at certain times and you had to eat. Not to mention nurses coming in to check on your every so often. It was difficult to get decent rest here.

After breakfast I ended up falling asleep for a few hours. When I woke up, I felt 100 times better, well physically. Emotionally I was still a mess. I had a shitty dream about Johnathan that made my heart ache. If we were together, it would have been a wonderful dream. We were together, on a beach somewhere, enjoying drinks and making love. I was crying in the dream from how much I loved him and when I woke up the tears were wet on my face. My heart felt unbelievably heavy.

I flipped through channels, utterly bored of daytime TV when Jeffery walked in with a laptop bag and two coffees.

"Yes! Did you bring what I asked?"

"Yes, despite my better judgement."

I outstretched my arms but he held the bag. "You are to use this for no more than two hours and you will not do any work. If I see work related things, I will take it from you."

I rolled my eyes. "OK dad, I promise." He opened up the bag and handed me my laptop. I basically squealed with glee.

"Here, this one if yours. It's decaf." I furrowed my brows. "You aren't allowed caffeine yet and you know it. At least you get the taste of decent coffee."

The Scars That BurnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ