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I'm Anna I am 18 years old.  My mother died in a car accident when I was 12 and my dad blames me for it. My dad beats me almost to death. But I  don't care. I've gotten used to being beaten.but that doesn't matter.

I got out of bed and got changed for school. I got  breakfast before my dad woke up.  I was half way to school until I triped over something and I fell face first. I got up and looked down to see a cat and I broke the cats leg. I picked the cat up took it to school. I went to the school nurse and let her look at the cat.  She bandaged the cats leg. She said to go to class  and I did.
It was time for me to go to art. I was in class drawing like every day. I was thinking about the cat all day it was red and black. I've never seen a cat like that before. The last bell rang and I went to the nurses office and picked up the cat. I said thanks and went home. Dad went to work so it was quite. I go to my room and put the cat  down. While I was getting out my homework. I look at the cat and said "you like your name is grinny right"?  Then the cat nods my eyes opened wide y-you u-understand me? The cat nods again I'm losing my mind I thought. I finally blink and shake my head. I look at the cat and say I'll be back I'm going out.i look at the cat  "Grinny can you walk"? grinny stands up and walks around my room. I look at the cat and say " Damn you heal fast ". Want to go on a walk? Grinny nods again let's go then. I said

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