Chapter 17: Snoggletogg

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Inside my house, I pull out the gifts I made. They aren't that great, but they're made from the heart. I painted Hiccup a portrait of him, Toothless, Stoick, and Valka, remembering him making a comment about how he doesn't have a lot of pictures. It took forever to finish, but I'm quite proud of it and I hope that he likes it. Otherwise, I made some clothing and painted a few special art pieces for my friends.

I'm best at drawing and hey, making your own clothing becomes useful after years of living in the woods. Might as well make good use of them.

I finish wrapping the gifts and head to the Great Hall for Snoggletogg Eve meal, bringing the bundles in a rather rickety pile in my arms.

Inside, everyone has gathered with their dragons, spending some time with them before they leave. A giant Snoggletogg tree is set up in the middle of the Hall, and I place my gifts under it.

"Nightstar!" I call. She comes running, wagging her tail and grinning. I scratch her ear plates as I lower my voice. "Hey girl. You ready to be a mommy?"

She nods her giant head and plants a dragon kiss on my whole body.

"Never stops being gross." I smirk, cleaning myself off.

Nightstar laughs her dragon laugh just as I see Hiccup and Toothless come into the hall. My dragon perks up and starts bounding towards them, making a few Vikings scramble out of the way as she goes by.

The two Night Furies meet and rub their heads together, grins on their scaly faces.

"Lovebirds." Hiccup laughs, patting Nightstar's shoulder.

I make a similar gesture as I look around the bustling hall. "What's on the menu for today?"

"A very special meal with lots of meat, beer, and special Snoggletogg treats," he answers.

"Can't wait, especially for tomorrow. I hope you like your gift."

"I'll love anything you get me."

I arch an eyebrow. He shrugs as a sheepish look flickers across his face. I let it go. He's been acting weird ever since Nightstar got pregnant.

The meal begins soon after with an announcement from Hiccup. It's delicious and I eat as much as I can hold, not caring for manners. Thankfully, Vikings don't care for manners anyways.

When the meal is over, everyone heads outside. The dragons gather at the front of Berk, preparing for the travel. Nightstar waits with Toothless as Hiccup attaches a special tail fin on.

"Be home soon, buddy. You got it?" Hiccup asks, and Toothless licks him, causing his hair to stick up at different angles.

"You too, girl," I say to Nightstar. "Take it easy."

We hug our respective Night Furies goodbye. The dragons take off into the night sky, everyone watching until they're out of sight.

"Everyone get some sleep!" Hiccup yells. "Long day of celebrating tomorrow!"

The people of Berk obey him readily, including me. My house feels emptier without Nightstar, but I'll be fine. She'll be home soon with a new little bundle of joy.


Morning comes quickly and I'm swept up in the Snoggletogg festivities. There's music and talking and lots of food and drinks, again causing me to have to swallow my dislike of rowdy parties.

"It kind of sucks that yak-nog didn't work out," Astrid says.

"That stuff was terrible!" Tuffnut exclaims, making Ruffnut smack him over the head.

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