Buildings, Landmarks and Services Part 1

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Ahoy there, today, upon a request in the comments a few days ago, we'll be looking at the names of buildings and services but with some Russian cities/landmarks thrown in.

Strap yourselves in.

1:  Больница - Bal - nee - tsa - Hospital. Next time you're in East Ukraine and you get wounded in battle, look for the sign that says this.

2: Ресторан - Ri - sto - ran - Restaurant. I'm pretty sure this is the same in multiple languages, so if you're tired of the Soviet breadline (such an overused joke but I couldn't help myself) you can get some real food here.

3: Красный Площадь - Krass - nee - plo - shat - Red Square. As a British man who loves Russian culture, I feel odd using 'shat' and Red Square in the same sentence (sort of) but there it is.The heart of the Russian Federation.

4: Москва - Ma - sk - vwa - Moscow. I have no idea why we spell/say it as 'Moscow' it looks and sounds so strange compared to the original; the 'B' in this is a sort of mix between v and w.

5: Станция Метро - Stan - Tsee - ya - mi - tro - Metro Station. I'm not sure whether to leave a reference to the Metro book series by Dmitry Glukhovsky here (they are fantastic, read them) so I'll just leave it there.

6: Санкт-Петербург - saahnkt - peeter - bork - Saint Petersburg. An important city for sure: it was Russia's capital longer than Moscow has been and is likely your second stop for any tourism.

7: Рынок - ri - nok - Market. Russia has a vibrant market culture and I'm told that they are great places to buy and haggle in; this is what they're called.

8: Магазин - Ma - ga - zin - Shop/store. If you know French (or at least the basics) this one will be familiar to you, if not, then these aren't small books full of nude photos and stupid celebrity gossip.

9: Аптека - Ap - tye - ka - Pharmacy/Drug Store - Useful stuff, I can't think of anything witty to say here.

10: Библиотека - Beeb - li - otyeka - Library. Our final word for today is library and I believe it is more or less the same in German too.

That's it for today everyone, I hope this was useful to you and that you can navigate yourself around better now during the World Cup (which England is going to win by the way) until next time!

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