Chapter 1

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"Hello dear,I HV been waiting for your call for a long time and its now you are calling me, I even called you, buh u weren't picking,you didn't even say let u call back,how cruel of u", I say angrily, speaking to my fiance on phone.

    " Sorry dear, I was a little busy and its just now I saw ur missed calls that's why I just called you, so sorry babe",he said trying to convince me not to be mad at him buh it just makes me more mad.

      Do u know how annoying it is when u are trying to contact someone u miss and d person doesn't pick ur call or returns it and d person contacts u when u are on ur way to dreamland??......yea its really annoying I know,sorry if I am been dramatic buh hey I can't be Kamsi Dawn Ikechukwu if I am not dramatic.

    "Yea,too busy. Wait,Andre I was so worried about u for pit sake............ Okay fine, wat were u doing DAT was so important", I say trying to calm down buh more difficult than I anticipated." Well,I was trying out my suit,you know our wedding is in the next two weeks and I know how stressed out u are, am sorry for scaring u,it won't happen again I promise",Andre apologise. "You know Mum keeps reminding me that its not to late to back out of the wedding and all that. Most times she makes me feel guilty u know.......I just hope she's wrong about me making a big mistake u know", I say sounding less like myself. " Hey babe,u know how parent can be,they tend to be so protective,I promise u won't regret it. I love u and that's all that matters, I get their point,I was once a womanizer, I chase anything that wears skirt",Andre says weakly. It breaks my heart to hear him sound DAT way. I was about to say something before my room door opens

My best friends enters Kira and Isabella. I mouthed sit down and shocking they obey. My best friend are really crazy and stubborn, if u tell them shut up that's wen they will start talking,especially Kira she's really annoying and a no nonsense person

"Hey,you there babe?", he says bringing me back to life,you know wat I mean." Yea,I am. Sorry Kira and Bella just walked in. What were u saying?",I asked him. "Where would u like to visit for a honeymoon?, he asked and I imagine him grin. " Well,Paris cos it a place for lover at least dats what I HV heard, wat do u think?", I answer with a question. "That sounds nice you know. I forgot u HV taste for stuffs like this", he says laughing and I join him. " Ooohhhhh,I forgot you know how crazy they get wen u make them wait...... Gat to go,love u hon",I say hurriedly and I hear him say "I love you too" before I hunged up

"Hey Kamsi,are u done keeping us waiting cause am really tired of hearing'i love,I love u more..... No,I love u more'", Kira the drama queen says, she's just trying to get me angry buh serious am not in her mood. "Can u stop overreacting? I swear,I am not in your mood I HV a lot going through my mind", I say as I sit at the middle of Kira and Bella. I continue, not wanting them to cut in " My elder sister called me last week and told me to rethink about my decision in marrying Andre,they think I am making a mistake and his reputation isn't doing any good......u know.... The reputation of been the towns player. I love him u know buh maybe they are right,they are older than me and they HV my best interest at heart........ What do u think about this?". They were silent for a while before Bella speaks up,"Well,u know for a fact that am not Andres biggest fan,he has a bad reputation which ain't help issues at all. Buh if u think he is worth d heartbreak,sorrow and tears no p. Buh follow your heart ". I don't know if Wat she said made me feel better or worst ." Way to go,Bella. Wat u said did it make her feel better or worst.(looking me in d eyes she continues) I am not in support of the marriage buh I know for a fact that if he as much as lay a finger on u,ur brothers will murder him,u know how protective they are wen it comes to u". Kira is right my brother,I mean elder brothers are so protective. We are four kids,two boys and a girl. We were really close when we were small,my parents been disciplinarian so we only had each other. And my parents were hardly home so they didn't HV our time. I and my siblings were happy because if they had our times,we would HV ran seriously, my parent monitored us like monitoring spirit.

Remembering my childhood it makes me smile. "Yea,u right. And I HV u guys to point that out. He is literally scared of u Kira,well who wouldn't,u are really crazy no one can compete with u for that title....... Thanks a lot guys. You made me feel a lot better.", I say and I hug them both.

I and Kira have been bestfriends since birth. We met Bella in ss1 wen she had her first fight with her first boyfriend over his ex. Since then we bounded. Currently,I am in my final year. I am studying Mass Communication in IMO State University. I grew up in a strict family. My parent never had our time and I loved it. We were and are really wealthy. We can HV whatever we want buh the fuck up is that my parent were seriously strict and against boyfriend and girlfriend. I had my first boyfriend and my first kiss wen I was 20 years old. I am in my early twenties. My parents were against my marriage buh they complied wen I threatened to elope. I am dark complexion, am curvy and average I am 5.7 .I HV a blue eyes and a long hair. I know its rare to see a Nigerian with such rare beauty and eyes buh they are not really hard to find u know. Kira is fair and has green eyes and is as tall as I am, Bella is dark and has grey eyes and also as tall as I am and yea,they are curvy too. So yea,we are catchy we know. We can't walk on the street without people staring.

" Enough with the emotions. Can we go shopping buh first we HV to eat cos am starving ",Kira says bringing me back to life. I and Bella agrees so we stood up,took our valuables and we shopping.

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