"We need to fry them now. Liana, Melody is here." her Aunt said as soon as she saw Liana. "She is looking for you."

"Of course." Liana thought to herself. Introducing Melody. Melody is same age as Liana, Liana was good in her studies but Melody seemed to be better for everyone. Melody knew different languages, learned music and arts and was the definition of a perfect daughter in her family. Melody was hired in a company as an assistant of a Manager and after her promotion she is working under a Director and training new Assistant in the company. Melody wore a white dress with flower prints and was sitting in the living room talking to the younger cousins.

"Liana, I was looking for you." Melody said as soon as she saw Liana.

"Doesn't seem like. You were sitting here all along and made no efforts to look for her." Mia said loudly.

Melody glared at Mia and then she faked a smile.

"So Liana, you found a decent job yet?" she said emphasizing on the word decent.

"She have decent jobs to pay her bills unlike you, who doesn't have a decent attitude, yet got hired" Mia said.

"Mia!" Liana said shocked.

Melody was pissed but she put on a fake smile. " They saw how good my resumes and marks are and saw how hard working I am."

"You mean cleaning your nails is hard work? I saw your SNS and what you keep doing in your work-place." Mia said.

"Mia" Melody said with a hint of annoyance. "When elders are speaking, you are not suppose to interrupt."

"Elders? You admit that you are aging?" Mia said.

"Mia,Mom is calling." Liana said trying to ensure they stop arguing.

"You heard your sister, now go while I speak to Liana." Melody said shooing Mia.

"Don't let her take advantage of you." Mia whispered to her sister as she walked towards the kitchen.

"As I was saying-" Melody said but Liana's phone started to ring. Melody rolled her eyes because she was interrupted again.

"Hello." Liana said as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Hello, Ms Liana Parkwe?" a female voice said.

"Yes?" she said.

"Congratulation! You have been hired as a colorist in the Comic Centre. My name is Jasmine and I am the Managing Director of the Comic Centre. You are officially hired in the company. Can you come this week to take the documents and sign it and join us as soon as possible?"

Liana was speechless. It took her everything and she stuttered.

"Y-Yes, how about tomorrow or Tuesday. Which is more convenient for you." she said nervously.

"Tomorrow sounds great. The faster the better for us." the woman said. "Can you come at 10 am sharp and look for me in the reception and tell them you got hired and was called by me."

"Yes sure." she said.

"Sorry for calling you in the weekend. We are just urgently looking for a colorist."

"I understand. See you soon." and that's how Liana got hired into the company.

As soon as her called ended she saw her families and cousins staring at her with anticipation.

"Who was it?" Mia asked.

"Jasmine." she answered.

"Who is she?" her mom asked.

"Managing Director of Comic Center. S-she called to say that I was hired and to come tomorrow to collect documents."

There was a brief silent, then her dad broke it.

"That's great! We have double celebration today!"

Melody's mom then said. "Goodness, Comic Centre,that big building in the main city?"

Just then the door bell rang. The smallest cousin of the family who is 10 volunteered to see who it was and soon came back with a bouquet of flower.

"Who are those for? Me?" Melody said.

"Liana." The child answered.

"From who?" Liana asked.

The child looked at the name. "It says Jason Kyle and there is a box along with it. I will get that too."

"Goodness, who is that?" Liana's other Aunt asked.

"Liana found a man for herself?" Melody asked.

"He is the managing Director of the company." Mia said looking at the attached card. He left a message. Everyone came forward to read the attached card with the flowers.

"You have got to be kidding me." Melody said out loud.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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