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As soon as I had walked a few steps outside my house the terror of what I was doing hit me.

I was literally going to walk in a place where everybody hated me, what was wrong with me?

I ignored the thought and proceeded towards Jeremy's house. It surprised me that I still knew where he lived, I had seen him walking down Albary road, his neighborhood, countless times last year, I once even caught him in an intimate moment with what I guessed was his girlfriend as I walked home from a late revision session at the coffee shop. Hopefully, he hadn't moved somewhere else.

A thought occurred to me then, what was the likelyhood of Hamlin actually being there? I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Luke's number. As the phone rang I hoped that he was going to pick up.

After the eighth ring, a voice answered.

'Get to bed, we'll play tomorrow, I said GO TO BED- hello? Park?' Luke was probably ''wrestling'' with Alisha to get her to bed.

'Hey Luke, Is Jake there?' I asked getting straight to the point.

'He is, why?'

'Could you pass the phone to him..I uhm- would like to ask him something' I said from the top of my head. Luke stayed quiet for a few seconds. I could picture him wondering why I would want to speak to his son who hated me so much.

'Sure' he finally said. I heard a rustling voice and Luke distant voice calling Jake.

'Whad up?' Jake's deep voice greeted.

'Jake I -' I started.

'Oh, it's you' I could almost see him rolling his eyes as he muttered those words.

'Yes it's me, is Hamlin home?' I asked him.

'Why don't you ask her?'

'Can you cooperate please? It's urgent' I cursed under my breath for saying those last words.

'What happened to her?'

I ursed again ' Nothing, is she home?

'No, why is this urgent?' I could hear his concerned tone.

'Hamlin went to Jeremy's party and-'

'She did what? Oh great' he said more to clear himself. 'I'll get there as soon as I can' he hung up.

That was not as bad as I imagined, I thought. I placed my phone back in my pocket and proceeded towards the party, wondering why a party animal like Jake was that concerned about his sister being at a party.

Five minutes into my walk to Jeremy's I realised how hard it is to recognise the neighboring houses at night. Thankfully as I came to the end of the street I saw a group of teenagers entering a house and assumed that that was the place.

I trailed behind the group as they made their way in, one of the guys was holding an Asda shopping bag and another one carried a box of beers.

'We're back with some more drinks and food' the guy holding the Asda bag shouted as someone opened the door. It was Aaron.

As soon as I noticed him I slipped my hoodie over my head. Hopefully, he wasn't going to recognize me. I waited as each of the guys entered the house, Aaron greeted them with pats on the back and a mischevious smile.

I walked inside the room and Aaron patted my back too.

'Get as drunk as you wish but don't touch the weed' he smirked closing the door behind me. I wondered what he would have said if he did recognize me.

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