Part 9

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Sebastian slammed the door to his apartment so hard the wall trembled violently and surely would have crumbled if not for his last second of restraint. He was so lost in his rage, rage towards the blue eyed brat and rage towards himself for being so careless. He hadn't been thinking straight and he had let himself be caught by that annoying, stubborn boy. How could he have let this happen? The demon stormed into his apartment, barely able to contain his explosive fury and not take his complete anger out on his dwelling.

If Claude found out about this he would lose his shit. The golden eyed demon was careful and meticulous, much like Sebastian himself. Well, the usual Sebastian. He and Claude had always been in close proximity in one another. He wasn't sure why they tended to stick together, perhaps the older demon was somewhat of a mentor. The incubus walked into his bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, hoping it would calm him down a bit. That was what humans did right?

He look up at his dripping wet reflection in the mirror and barely recognize himself. His damp raven hair clung to his face and his garnet orbs burned with a smoldering rage, rage he realized was directed entirely at himself, not at Ciel. His usually flawless skin was a much paler shade than usual, sickly even. He hadn't been able to feed. It was utterly stupid of him to be in the alley in the first place, he should have gone somewhere more secluded, more private, but he was impatient. Impatience didn't suit him and it certainly did not suit a predator of his caliber. Not only was he reckless, whatever blood he had gotten was entirely unsatisfying and repulsive. It had tasted disgustingly bitter, matching it's owner's personality far too well for Sebastian's liking. He was expecting something far more rich and delectable, something much like your blood, but the demon was sorely mistaken and disappointed.

Sebastian had dark bags under his eyes and his cheeks looked slightly sunken in and hollow. No wonder Claude said he looked like shit. He doubted a human would be able to tell the difference, their eyesight was nowhere as keen as a demon's. The incubus was regularly amazed at how far humanity had made it considering how fragile humans were and how literally every little thing could kill them. All of their senses were inferior to almost every species and they were extremely weak. Everyday mundane tasks were a constant danger. He was sure that the black death would have spelled the end of humanity and was a little more than surprised when the entire human race didn't succumb to the plague. He supposed they deserved some credit for their stubborn resilience even though it reminded him of the same resilience in roaches.

Seeing himself in such a pathetic state snapped him out of his thoughts and caused a renewed rage to bubble to the surface. With a low growl, he smashed the mirror with his fist, creating a cascade of hundreds of shards of glass to rain down. A few slivers embedded themselves in his knuckles, causing blood to trickle down his fist and a few drops to splash against the porcelain sink. Sebastian glanced down, seeing the sharp pieces of glass stained in blood and closed his eyes with a shuddering breath.

Now that his reflection wasn't taunting him the demon found he was able to calm down and think more clearly. The recent turn of events was only a minor inconvenience at best. Perhaps a few hundred years ago people would have heeded the warnings of someone insisting they had encountered a devil, but nowadays that would get you thrown in the mental asylum. What would Ciel do exactly? Tell you that he was a demon and that you should stay away? Sebastian chuckled in amusement. No, Ciel wasn't stupid...for a human at least. He wouldn't tell you because he couldn't. He wouldn't tell anyone.

Under normal circumstances this would have never been a problem because Ciel would have been dead before he was even able to process what he was seeing. The only reason why that nuisance was still alive was because of the angels. Sebastian hadn't heard anything recently but he knew better than to be that reckless and leave a body behind that they would surely find. The demon did not like leaving loose ends strewn about but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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