"Pein-sama wants us downstairs immediately!!", Tobi lets out a high pitched squeal and dashes down the stairs. He trips and tumbles down, he jumps back up and continues to run. "If he wants us down immediately, it must be VERY important senpai!!! SO HURRY UPUPUPUPUP!!!!"

"What the fuck was that all about?! I got some high pitched ringing in my ears now.", Hidan says as he walks up to me from behind. I glance over to him and let out a shrug.

"Don't worry about it Hidan-san, un. It's just Tobi being Tobi.", I say.

"Aight, I understand. Just tell me if he does some crazy shit to you Dei-chan, I'll be there to sacrafice his ass for you.", Hidan adds on as he gives me a wink.

I laugh off his joke and the Jashinist smiles. "Yeah yeah Hidan-san, I can't wait for that day."

I wave him goodbye as he watches me walk down the stairs. I make my way to Pein-sama's office and gently close the door once I step in.

"Hey Pein-sama, hey Konan-chan. You called, un?", I say with a small smile. I hope they wouldn't be able to tell that I'm craving death.

"Ah yes, Deidara. We've been waiting.", Pein starts off with an impatient look on his face. I felt an invisible 'almighty push' knock the wind out of me.

"Sorry, un. I was caught up in a conversation with Hidan-san. You know how much of a chatterbox he is, hm.", I answer jokingly.

"That's alright, you're forgiven.", Konan says.

Everyone thank god for Konan-chan, she's an angel and we all love her.

"Here is the task we want you and Tobi to do.", she continues as she hands over a folded sheet of paper.

I mumble a quiet thanks before taking the sheet. I open it and I felt my soul sink into despair as Tobi jumps around the room with glee.

"Grocery shopping, un.", I say. I glance up at the leaders before slamming my fists onto Pein's desk. "FREAKING GROCERY SHOPPING?!! DO YOU TAKE ME AND MY NINJUTSU AS A JOKE?!!"

"What? We're out of food after Zetsu ate it all.", Lord Pein explains. "Asides, it's good practice for Tobi."

"THEN SEND HIM ALONE, HM!", Tobi looks at me and tilts his head innocently. "IT'S NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE CARE OF HIM!"

"That's when you're wrong senpai.", Tobi interrupts as he walks towards me.

"Shut your fucking mouth, un.", I hiss.
I really don't want to hear his crap, un.

"You should at least hear Tobi out. Tobi is your partner, right?", he pauses to think. "Well then, since Tobi would be considered a 'noob', Senpai should be the one to show Tobi the way of Akatsuki, right?"

I twitch, the boy is acting smart.


"That's enough Deidara.", the lord says low. "Konan, get me my coffee and you are both dismissed."

"I.. I.. un.."

What kind of shit is this, un?!

After being dismissed, Tobi and I walk out of the office room. The orange-masked lollipop skips out happily and out the door that led to the outside world.

"Ne Senpai? Which store do we go to?", Tobi asks out of curiosity.

"The first and cheapest one, Kakuzu hates spending money.", I reply as calmly as I could. I look down to my mouths as they continue to chew the clay I gave them.

When we get out of the base, a fresh breeze of air greets me, it's been a while since I last went out. Tobi starts to jump up in down in excitement as he began to knock on the bark of the trees and sing joyfully.

What has he been taking?

Cause I want the stuff he's on.

If he's keeping this act to numb the pain, then I should too.

I summon a clay bird. It's not my best work (as Sasori would say) but it'll do, un.

Tobi quickly flings back in position and looks up in amazement.

"Wow Senpai!", he exclaims with stars in his only visible eye, appearing at different angles of my masterpiece. "Did you create this?!!"

"Yes I did, un.", I answer. "We'll be taking this to get to the store, hm."


"Cool?", I scoff. "I'm hella talented. Get on Tobi, we're going shopping."

And so we flew high up in the sky, I guess Tobi isn't so bad after all, praising me and all that. At least someone actually appreciates my art instead of insulting it like a certain someone.

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