"He's also in Odd Future?"

"Vaguely. His whole sound deviated him from the group. Odd Future was ignorant, Frank was...a beautiful soul. A beautiful soul that I loved."

Phedra shot her a weak smile, almost out of empathy, "But wait, if you're so in love with Frank, why were you with Abel?"

"I liked him don't get me wrong Phe. But he was only someone I fucked, nothing more, nothing less."

Phedra shrugs, biting into her salad, "I don't know about you, but I'm taking the one with the most money. Abel seems financially secure, why didn't you just stay with him?"

Oh, if only you knew...

The amounts of self-control that it took for her to leave. Hana grew wary of her mental health by being with a man as, persistent, as Abel. Constantly fucking her simply so she can live in a nice home that was his no less. Sure he paid her well for her services, but what's so good about it if sex was the ingredient Abel only knew.

"Let me give you an incentive," Hana advised wisely, "us sex workers only know one thing and that's-"

"Sex," Phedra replied in Hana's stead.

"Yes, but you want to know something I discovered in my time with Abel?"

She shuddered at the drop of voice, "What?"

Hana came dangerously close to the vicinity of Phedra's personal space, it almost made her uncomfortable. Her eyes met, it's as if she could read Hana's entire story from her eyes.


Written damn near in each pupil. Phedra shifted as she listened to what Hana had to say next. And boy, the simplicity of that mere sentence spoke a thousand thoughts twice over.

"The secret ingredient to sex, is love."

She blinked unexpectedly, shrugging at her pointed statement, "Big whoop. The Weeknd loves you."

"Abel, doesn't love me. In fact, he doesn't love anyone," Hana states a matter-of-factly, "He loved what he could do to me, he loved fucking me. He loved that I'd open my legs at the sight of him."

"Isn't that easier than love anyways?"

Hana blinked, rather perplexed at Phedra's declaration.


She flicked her lighter, the cancer stick hanging at her lip as she took a drag. Unlike many homeless shelters in Los Angeles, this one was lenient with allowing people to smoke in their facilities. The only rule as that no drugs were allowed on the premises—little did they know, when it came time to smoking the familiar green drug they both knew too well, the fumes went over the workers heads.

"Well think about it Hana. He came home to you, allowed you to stay in his home, fucked you," Hana shuddered at her crass emphasis.

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Oh god no!" She scowls, "I'd never kiss him. You know how many other women he was screwing behind my back Phe?"

"A lot?"

"Rhetorical question," Hana blew the toxic fumes, "He even screwed my friend."

"Ouch," She scrunched her face, "What an asshole."

"I know," Hana sighs, "I think it's because I was so set on trying to get away from prostitution I didn't realize that I, technically was still involved in it. Just to one person,"

"Man you've been through so much Hana, I don't know how you haven't broke yet."

Oh I have, trust me. "I guess I'm numb to it all. With my crazy Ex still in jail, my stupid mom trying to patch things up, I think I just need guidance on where my life is going. I'm trying to patch things up, I'm still relatively young."

Phedra sighed as if she were reluctant to suggest something to her, still trying nonetheless as she was her friend and confided in her, "I'm not saying to forgive right now. But have you ever tried facing your problems? Like head on?"

"No." Hana chuckled dryly, "That shit never works."

"Hana, you'd never know unless you really do it. Stop trying to run from these things and actually reinforce your life. You're in control. If you don't want to be in contact with your mom? Fine. Let her know that. Don't want your Ex being with you? Fine. Let him know that. Stop trying to run from your issues."

"I don't run," Hana slightly warned Phedra from overstepping her boundaries.

"Well you have some funny way of showing it."

Hana gripped her palms before exhaling. It was a breathing exercise she picked up on from her therapist, "Look. Phedra, I get that I'm dysfunctional-"

"An understatement."

"Right.." Hana cleared her throat, "But can you help me? My life has always been fucked up. Even when I had money,"

"Never said your life wasn't bad love. Just saying, a little effort, goes a mile," she smiled, standing up from her seat, "I'll see you later tonight. I have to go see my son, his father is having a fit right now, be strong okay?"

Hana acknowledged her leave with a simple nod before disposing of her unfinished meal, she exited the mess hall still thinking of what Phedra said to her just a few seconds ago,

"Stop trying to run away from your issues."

She scoffed, "Run away from my issues? Please."

But Hana did admit she was quite a bit stubborn, rough around the edges in some cases, but her intentions were to never run from her problems—but life was never that easy. Surely Phedra runs away from long-term problems Hana had yet to discover, but with time, she will.

Hours had past, and Hana couldn't get what Phe said off of her mind. What past was she to return to? Prostitution? Toxic family? Dysfunctional, but technical lovers?

"What past?"

Hana's frown glued her face as she scrolled through her contacts trying to see if she had his number saved. Through her good graces, she did.

She only dialed his phone number twice before hearing his raspy voice pick up.

"Hey," she announced monotonously, this was far below the normalcy of Hana but she knew in order to get better she had to stop running away from the past.

"I...listen, we need to talk."

"Mhm," she replied, head pressed between the phone and her shoulder, "That would be nice, how about we meet for dinner tonight? Your place? Seven? Perfect. See you soon. Bye."

She nods in self-satisfaction.

Now who's running away from her past?



still debating on a book 2 or if I want my readers to be left thinking what could've been.


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