Not Just Money.

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Long chapter for a long awaited update. Rated M, read at your own discretion.

There was an after-party that followed the concert

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There was an after-party that followed the concert. Hana was in awe of Frank's talent, she had known his ability in writing but never got to hear him sing up until his point. It was so beautiful.

She drove in the car with Malachi, and his wife, whom she'd came to open up to. Malachi's wife wasn't the jealous type, lest you give her something to prove your disloyalty—but overall, she was incredibly understanding of Hana's situation.

She even dressed her to attend this concert, her baby blue designer faux fur coat spoke volumes alongside her Gisseppe thigh-high pumps. Her bodycon dress put her curves in all the right places along with a silver watch and matching purse to finish the visual.

Hana truly served looks today.

"We'll be there in about five minutes," Malachi announced, as his wife, Amy, turned her gaze to the backseat where Hana sat.

"Okay babygirl, listen. So the event is strictly invite only. Meaning it's an upscale, celebrity savvy party. There WILL be paparazzi. So I advise for you to cover your face with these," She placed a pair of Ray-Bans across her face before doing the same with her's.

"We're here," Malachi announced, "Babe you guys can get out first and I'll go park the car,"

"Okay!" Amy replied bubbly, pecking Malachi on the lips before exiting the TESLR vehicle. Hana was completely perplexed at the amount of photographers taking photos of her. As she was told, Hana followed behind Amy, the photographers came at them strong, aimlessly asking her questions:

"Hana is it true that you and Frank are dating?"

"Looking beautiful tonight Hana!"

"What's your take on The Weeknd's music?"

How did they even know her name? Furthermore, she didn't know who that was! Through her tinted glasses, Hana rolled her eyes finding these questions redundant. They managed to make it to the front door where security was.

"Names please," he mumbled, with a clipboard in hand.

"Amy," Malachi's wife replied nonchalantly. The guard opened the door for the two and suddenly the surroundings completely stunned Hana.

Rappers, singers, and producers all in attendance, having the time of their lives. Hana was looked like a kid discovering candy; This was completely different compared to what she's accustomed to.

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