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SHSL wrestler-female/vinmi choso

SHSL ornithologist-/male/mako sumi

SHSL makeup artist-male/ hanko suakii

SHSL swimsuit model-female/Maru matsu

SHSL poet- female/Alleni masoko

SHSL politician- male/kora yakura

SHSL violinist- female/ takara Lynch

SHSL firefighter- male/kai kuamaki

SHSL meteorologist- female/ sundi marrizo

SHSL ??? - female/shihiro vais

SHSL author-/female/ asuka chiyo

SHSL chemist-male/ hibiki hayate

SHSL party planner-male/. Misami Hideaki

SHSL attorney/michi sora

SHSL director-male/Hinae juro

SHSL clockmaker - /male/jiro Izumi

This fanganronpa has been in the works for a few months now and im happy to be writing it out, eventually it may become a comic if I'm not too lazy.

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