25. | Callie

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So he did only like me since I reminded of Haley. Wow, self esteem crusher right there. I will admit I do feel quite hurt about that, I mean I actually started tolerating him.

But I'm still so confused on how he can look like this? He looks so much younger and more dead, if that's how I can explain it.

"I'm still utterly confused on how you looked like that," I muttered, looking him up and down. I mean he looks like a little kid. Younger than me, I'm 18 soon to be 19 years old and he looks like he hasn't hit puberty yet.

"I'll explain that to you later okay. Now if I finish this story I can tell you why or you'll get it. Depending on your intelligence, I hope you do," he mumbles, running a hand through his his.

He looked like he was already dead. His whole body was pale and it looked like there was no blood running through his veins. His eyes had deep dark circles under them and a long dark bruise around his neck.

"Now let me continue," he sighed. "After they questioned me, they made me wait for my parents to pick me up since I was under 18...."


Luke's foot tapped anxiously as he waited in the waiting room of the police station for his parents. He bit at his thumb nail as he stared at the ground.

Anxiety surged through his body as he glanced at the door repeatedly, waiting for his parents to walk in. He was anxious because he practically just turned his father into the police.

Yet he didn't regret his decision.

His father always told him to speak the truth or he sins against God. Yet, here he was lying to his son and wife about what happened to him that night. Andrew Hemmings really needed to go to confession or relearn the ten commandments.

His head snapped up, looking towards the door finding his parents standing there worried. Liz walked straight over to Luke, her eyes full of worry.

"Luke Robert Hemmings! Why in the world are you at the police station? You nearly made me drop because of a heart attack!," she rambled, pulling her son into a tight hug. Luke clung to her like a koala as he released a sob, nuzzling his neck into her shoulder.

"It's Haley," he whispered and she froze, pulling away from her son slightly.

"They found her? Where is she?! Is she safe?," she fired questions, the tears pooling Luke's eyes flowing down his cheeks. He shook his head and she quieted down.

"She's dead."

Liz gasped, pulling her son back into a tight embrace. Luke melted into his mother, sobs falling out of his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears continuing to leak out.

Liz pulled away, moving her thumb under her son's eyes removing some of the tears. "It's going to be okay baby." She wrapped her arm around her son's waist, walking over to her husband who was talking to an officer.

Luke grew angry and jumped out of his mother's arms, running at his father and tackling him to the ground. Andrew groaned, smacking his head hard against the ground.

Luke brought his arm back, bringing it down to smash onto his father's nose. He continuously punched his father's face, until an officer held his arm back and picked him off his father. Luke growled, fighting the man's grip on him as another officer helped Andrew.

"You deserve to burn in hell!," Luke yelled at his father being tugged back by an officer. Another officer ran in, helping to hold Luke back as Andrew stood up, stalking towards his son and leaving a hard slap across his face.

Luke's head turned with the slap and he gritted his teeth in pain. He stared at his father with hatred with disgust. Andrew had a smug look on his face as he watched his son get dragged towards a holding cell, getting thrown in it.

Liz stared horrified as the whole situation went down.

"We're leaving your son in there for the night. You can come and pick him up tomorrow morning ma'am. I suggest you take your husband to the hospital to get his nose checked out," An officer spoke to Liz as she nodded, staring at her son for a second before walking to her husband and leaving.

Luke sat on the bench, bringing his knees up to his chest as he ran his hands over his face.

He just messed up, big time.


"I ended up shattering his nose to pieces and almost killed him from how much shattered," he spoke with so much hatred in his voice. "I wish the blows to his face killed him."

"Can we take a break with this heart breaking story and you answer my fucking questions please," I demand, staring into his eyes. He sighed, rolling his eyes as he slapped his hands on his knees.

"One question and one question only. Then I continue the staring," he said, fiddling with his fingers nervously. He looked anxious and slightly jumpy.

What happened to mister confident killer?

"How do you look like that now? Where did all your tattoos and piercing go?," I asked.

"How isn't it obvious," he groans, craning his had back. He rubbed a hand over his face as he groaned yet again. He stared at me like I was an idiot and I rolled my eyes.

"You really haven't laid out any hints of what you are? Are you a vampire or some shit?," I asked and he snorted.

"This isn't Twilight."

"So what the fuck are you?," I snapped and he flinched in shock, staring at me.

"How couldn't you of connected the dots?! I'm a fricking ghost!"

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