19. | Callie

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"Luke, Luke. You zoned out," I called out to Luke. He was literally so deep in thought, I've been trying to get his attention for like 5 minutes. I wonder what he was thinking about, it must of made him happy since he smiles and stuff. His head snapped up, ah finally I caught his attention.

"You were really zoned out. You began to smile and mumble stuff," I explained and he nodded, biting his lip ring. Ever since I went along with that I loved him, I began to notice things more about him and I noticed that when he bit his lip ring something tingled in my stomach.

We stood in silence again, well I sat, but it looked like Luke was thinking of something yet again since he looked deep in thought again. I fiddled with my fingers, looking down at the shirt I was wearing and read what it said - "I don't trust me either" with a skeleton crossing his fingers in the middle.

The sides were cut, revealing the sides of my sports bra and the bruises. I looked at the wrap on my arm, from my forearm to my bicep.

"Are you hungry?," Luke finally spoke. Breaking the silence we were sitting in, there was this type of tension between us. It was probably was from awkwardness because I mean he's trying to act nice to the girl he as tortured and kidnapped and the I'm trying to be nice to the guy that has threatened to kill me multiple times.

What a great duo.

I nodded quietly, hopping off the counter and following him down the tiny hallway into the kitchen. I never fully looked at the house since I was trying to escape not really caring about the decor and realized it was such an antique design - nothing is modern.

Memories came back to me on the night that I actually got kidnapped. I shivered, thinking about how I felt out of his grip going into the dark woods as he chased after me. Why did he have to be so fucking tall, like what did his mum put in his oatmeal in the morning?

"What do you want? I don't have that much. I can make some eggs," he shrugged. I can tell that he's really trying and I feel semi-bad for playing with his feelings. But, then I remember he was going to kill me in like two weeks so those thoughts instantly drop.

I smile lightly, "Eggs are fine." I guess I'm fine with eggs, it's better than nothing. I mean I haven't eaten for like two days now I have no clue.

"C-can I have water?," I still feel very awkward asking for stuff. I mean I know I've sassed him into giving me things, but now it just feels I don't know like I need the right to ask someone like him for something so little.

"Uh yeah sure," he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, handing it me as he continued to cook the eggs for me. I just really want to know how he got this change of heart in like a three to four day span? That's what really makes me confused.

He finished making the eggs, setting them on a plastic plate and handing them to me with a plastic fork. I took the utensil beginning to slowly eat. This wasn't half bad. After taking my testing bite to see if it tasted good, I gobbled it all down quickly.

I took a sip of water, looking up to see Luke was leaning against the counter - watching me intently. I felt uncomfortable, shifting uncomfortably as I pushed the plate further towards the middle of the table. I took another sipped of the water bottle, looking at the ground.

"Can I uh shower?," I asked. I definitely need one of those and I'm pretty sure my period should be coming soon and I know for sure he isn't prepared for that.

He nodded, "Yeah, follow me," he leads me back into his room, walking into the bathroom. "There's towels under the counter and I only have guy shampoo and stuff. I can give you some clothes to put on as well."

I nodded, turning the shower on which shot out cold water slowly turning warm. He awkwardly walked back into his room, coming back handing me a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a t-shirt. I set them on the counter, waiting for him to leave.

He walked out, shutting the door behind him. I looked at all corners of this bathroom, finding that there we no windows here. I guess that idea was out of the options. I slowly took off the clothes I had on, wincing when I touched a semi-fresh wound.

I looked down, seeing a red mess and inwardly groaned, rubbing my forehead. I wrapped a towel around my waist, looking under the cabinet to see that was actually a thing of tampons. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. I grabbed one, setting it with the stuff as I stepped into the shower.

I took off the wraps on my arm, tracing over the cigarette circles that began to welt and the stitches Luke did after he stabbed me. I don't think I should get these wet, but I'm taking the risk of trying to clean my greasy body.

I stepped into the shower, closing the curtain. I hissed while stepping into the hot water. I placed my head near the water, allowing my hair to get wet. I made sure to keep my 'bad' arm, as I call it, away from the water as I used my other hand to do all the work.

I spoke to soon when the water splashed and landed right on my stitches. I yelped in pain, which wasn't a good idea since I went to move I ended up moving all the cigarette marks into the water. I bit my lip, trying to hold in my scream of pain.

"Fuck," I hissed, bringing my arm to my chest, cradling it. That hurt like a bitch, man ow. Soap then slid off my hair onto my forehead and into my eyes. I whined, sticking my face into the hot water to get the soap out of my eye.

Once I regained my vision and cleaned the soap out of my hair with one hand. I leaned against the wall, contemplating if I should ask Luke to come in and help me. I mean he has already seen my naked and I really need to help.



so yes, minnie has updated and she dedicated to her bc shes amazing and i love her. check out her stories because they are amazing

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