10. | Luke

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My eyes fluttered open from the sunlight hitting me directly in the face. I rubbed at my eyes, sitting up. I looked around trying to remember what happened last night when it came back to in a wave. I slapped a hand to my forehead. I had sex with her last night, that totally just blew my plans out of proportions.

Then I came to think.

Wouldn't she be in bed next to me, still sleeping.

I looked to the side, seeing it empty. I scrambled out of bed quickly, putting on a pair of boxers. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants that I found on the ground, running downstairs to the basement and of course she isn't chained there.

C'mon Luke think, she wouldn't go back to the basement and chain herself back up. You idiot. I ran a hand through my hair, going back stairs. I put on my vans, not worrying about a coat because it's pretty warm here today, a whopping 30 degrees it feels.

I quickly grabbed a weapon, it being a kitchen knife as I ran into the living room seeing the front door open. Shoot, she was already out the door but she can't be that far right.

I ran out the door looking both ways.

"Callie," I screamed. I swore I heard a whimper from far away, I think from the left. I went with my gut and began to run that way, my feet carrying me quickly. I stopped to catch my breath slightly.

"Where are you? When I find you, you're dead, literally," I growled loudly, continuing to run again. I slowed down, making sure I walked lightly on the ground so she couldn't hear the sound of leaves cracking under me as I grew closer to a tree where you can most definitely hear ragged breathing.

I quickly hopped in front of her, trapping her against the tree.

"Found you."

She screamed loud, her voice echoing as I clamped my hand over her mouth, stopping her movements as I felt her shake just underneath my hand.

"Now, was it right to run away," I said slowly bringing the knife into view and her eyes widened as her head began to shake side to side pushing herself further against the tree.

Words began to be mumbled underneath my hand and I stared at her in mock curiosity, tilting my head to the side. The tears that had previously filled her eyes had poured over, meeting the side of my hand that was still over her mouth.

I brought the knife up, examining it closely as I pressed my body closer to hers, pushing her harder into the tree. She winced, her eyes clamping shut.

I would feel the slightest bit of regret of doing this but, he's beginning to overpower my mind with those thoughts, thoughts of pain and wrath. When he takes over, his words fill up my mind, changing me into a completely different person.

I noticed her eyes widened even bigger when she continued to look at my eyes. I stared at her with real confusion this time but shook it off.

I smirked, I removed my hand from her mouth and her mouth was agape.

"Luke, p-please no," she begged and I began to lightly slide the blade across her arm, not drawing anything but mostly to scare her.

Soon, wrath took over me and the knife cut deeper into her bicep causing her to scream out in pain, a horrible cry. My eyes widened in shock as I dropped the knife looking at her.

I never planned to stab her, it was just to scare her and I'd bring her back to the cabin. This is all his fault, he needs to stop taking over me.

I picked her up bridal style, beginning to run quickly back to the cabin, not forgetting to pick up the knife. You know, don't want any evidence.

I usually don't feel bad about doing something to these girls but with Callie I have no idea right now. I am so confused.

I ran in the open door, kicking it shut with my foot as I ran into my room, then into the bathroom setting her on the counter as I knelt down to pick up my giant first aid kit.

I stood back up as Callie was squeezing her arm tightly, wincing.

"God, Luke why?," she cried, the tears still pouring down her cheeks.

"I'm going to have to move your hand so I can see the wound," I said, unclasping her hold on the mark, revealing the bloody mess. I took out some alcohol wipes, wiping around it before I fully inspect it. Finally being able to see it better I saw that the slice was about 2 inches long.

I grabbed a few more alcohol wipes, opening one.

"This is going to hurt a lot probably but it's to clean it up," I said beginning to wipe off the stab and she whimpered, not as bad as I thought.

"Ow, Luke is really hurts," she whined.

"Baby, I know it's going to be over soon," baby? Did I just call her baby.

Cleaning it up better, I can tell it needs a few stitches because I cut pretty deep. I got out my sewing needle and some thread. Thank god I decided on those classes that teach me this stuff, smart move Luke.

I slowly stitched her up, placing a wrap around her arm. Sighing frustratingly, I ran a hand through my hair, tugging at the tips as Callie sat quietly on the sink counter, sniffles coming from her every so often.

"W-why did you help me?," she asked, her voice small.

"To be completely and utterly honest, I have no idea," I said and she looked at me, her eyes reading something I can't really understand.

"What a-are you going to do now?," she asked and I shrugged, picking her up bridal style as I carried her back down the stairs of the basement.

"Start back at square one."

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