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Chapter Twenty-seven

The next morning no one bothered to get up for school. Yeah all our alarms went off, but today was a much needed break. I sat up stretching, hearing each joint pop and smiled. Everyone was here and everyone was safe. All the guys were still sleeping, but Kitty was no where to be found. Shaking my head I got up and walked towards my room. She was sitting on the edge of my bed her back to me. It wasn't until I walked into the room that I noticed what was going on. Immediately I dropped to my knees in front of her.

"Why?" Was all I said.

"I know, I know. I'm a hypocrite, but it's the only way I know how to cope. I try to be strong for everyone else, but when I'm alone I crumble like a crumpled up piece of paper. With this razor it's like I have some control over my emotions, even if just for a little while."

I reached up and wiped her tears away before grabbing her hands and kissing her sliced up wrist.

"We only do what we know. No matter how hard we try change is difficult, but don't give up. Not even when you slip. Just because you take a couple steps backwards don't mean you won't go forward again."

I smiled at her reassuring her that I understood. She tried to smile back, but instead more tears came out. She clung to me as if she would die if she let go. A stray tear slipped from my eyes as I rubbed her back ad whispered soothing words in her ear.

"What do you say to going to get some coffee for everyone with me? That way you can get some fresh air and you falling into the negatives can be our little secret."

"I'll like that Cyrus." She kissed my cheek as she got up and walked out the room. For a minute I sat there stunned. No one has ever called me by my actual name. No one. Not bothering to think to hard on it I smiled. I like hearing her saying my actual name. I just basically like her, because of her I felt the need to live and enjoy life.

"Come on Madeline, coffee is waiting." She smirked at me before laughing. I watched as she kissed each one of the guys goodbye. Even in their slumber they still managed a smile. I opened the door and smiled as I saw Caramel's hazel staring back at me.

"Be good to her." She said before disappearing again.

"Always am." I mumbled to myself before entangling my fingers with hers and heading towards the elevator.

I waited until she was safely buckled in her seatbelt and we were driving to speak.

"What you did for Kyle yesterday was sweet. Even though you kissed all of us."

"Yeah, honestly I'm glad I did it."

"Really, why?"

"Because, if it wasn't for all of you I would've been dead months ago."

"Agreed." Nothing else was said as we drove in comfortable silence. When we got back to the apartment, we were surprised to see that the guys had another girl there. This girl had a baby. A baby that looked like Caramel.

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