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Chapter Eighteen

Dear Stacey,
I'm sorry that we had been arguing. I'm sorry that by the time I got down the stairs you were already half way down the block. I called your name twice. Begging you to come back. You turned and glared at me. You stood in the middle of the street debating with yourself. Everything after that happened in a blur, but I remember it so clearly. I remember blaming myself for weeks. If I hadn't yelled at you, you wouldn't have left. If I hadn't ran after you, you wouldn't have been crossing the street. If I hadn't cheated in the first place then we wouldn't have been arguing, I wouldn't have said what I said to make you cry and run away. If it wasn't for me you would still be here, alive and well. Everyday I wish that it was me instead of you. My only hope is that you can forgive me. I hope that you can be happy for me. I've found someone that makes me feel the same way that you use too. Nothing is official or written in stone, but I don't want to go through what I went through with you again. I miss you everyday that I'm still allowed to breathe. I will try to be different with her. She's almost as fragile as I am. Know that I never forgot you and I never will. I still love you and I wish I could go back and change everything that happened, but I can't. I have to live with the decisions I made and will make for the rest of my life. Rest in peace and please don't forget me.


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