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Chapter Fourteen

Dear Shelley,
I love you like crazy. I love you so much and it's my fault that we don't have a family. Yeah we have aunt Vicky and uncle Maurice, they're amazing, but they're not our mom and dad. You don't even remember them and that's all my fault. You were so young when we were in the car crash. It's beyond amazing that neither of us came out unharmed. Actually we've got Justin to thank for that. That's right, you don't remember Justin. Justin was our older brother. He's the reason we weren't harmed or killed. Yeah we got banged up a little, but that's was it. Justin was sitting by the door behind the driver. Him and dad were killed instantly. I understand if you hate me after reading this. That's if you ever read this. Look, Shelley I apologize. I apologize for taking away your family before you even got the chance to meet them. You were only a few months at the time. Now you're ten and you look so much like mom that it hurts. I'm the only brother you have now and knowing that I'm the cause of that kills me. I'm sorry that I hurt you. Even if you might not think it, I know you're hurting. You want to know so much about momma them and I can't answer those questions for you. I know you want to know everything and I wish I can tell you everything, but I only have a limited memory myself. I don't know if memory will ever go back to the way it use to be. Anyways, I hope one day you can accept my apology and forgive me. Until then know that I love you and I'm glad that you survived. I would do anything to keep you safe. You are my rock.

Your big brother Grayson.

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