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Chapter Twenty-one

When I woke, I was surprised to see that the girls were already woke. The guys however was still sleeping like babies. I shook my head laughing as I headed to the bathroom. After using it and washing my hands I headed to the kitchen. I still couldn't believe my auntie just gave me their apartment. They were going to rehab for three years and told me that my only job was this apartment. Even after getting a job I still needed help paying the bills. Dawson was homeless so that worked. Blaze, however jumped at the chance and ended up paying first months rent.

After explaining everything to the landlord he said it was okay. A weight had been lifted off my chest. As I entered the kitchen i could see Caramel and Kitty opening and closing pots and checking on the things that were in the oven. I liked the sight of this, it was honestly something that I could get use to.

"Hey girls. Good evening. Want any help?"

"Um...sure. You can sat the table."

"My pleasure madame." I laughed as Kitty handed me the china and eating utensils. After setting the table and helping them put the food on the table the rest of the guys joined us. I was surprised to see that they were all freshly showered. Exactly how long had they been woke? Not bothering to ask we all sat down and joined hands.

"God we want to thank you for this food we are about to receive. I know it's been a while since any of us have talked to you, but I'm sure you understand why. After all you brought us together. Us seven misfits. I want to thank you for that. Without them I don't think I would've been alive today. I love them all. Some more than others, Echo. Just kidding. Anyways, we appreciate everything you have done for us. As we enjoy this food that the guys didn't help prepared we hope you continue to bless us. Amen."

"That was beautiful Kitty." said Caramel. We ate and joked about random things. As we got desert Caramel filled us in on her little surprised. The rest of the guys had to clean since they didn't help. I however got to sit and watch. Later on that night we slept in the living room. I agreed that I couldn't have asked for a group of better friends. No matter how happy we were together, none of us could fill that void. That void that only family could feel.

The Echo in my HeadWhere stories live. Discover now