Eliana Sydeny Fredricks

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Name: Eliana Sydeny Fredricks
Nickname(s): Ellie, Ella, Elle
Age: 17
Birthday: August 6
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Alanda and Cam Friedricks
Faceclaim: Odeya Rush (young)
Personality: Ellie is a bit of a free spirit. She's a bit mysterious, though fun-loving and carefree. She seems to rely a bit too much on her parents, would like to trust everyone, but doesn't until her mother approves of them. She has an alright relationship with her parents, though she's becoming a bit of a rebel, her desire for adventure becoming overwhelming, though a strict line, for her, is exploring past the palace walls. Because she heard a lot about how mean the people outside treated her mothers students, she doesn't want anything to do with them. She wants love, yes, but she hates everything to do with the Selection. And besides! She's much too young for love anyway, right? She's easy to hurt, being a bit sensitive with black and white viewing kind of personality. She'll probably act cold and unwelcoming to begin with, but, in general, Ellie is quite carefree and sweet, containing a child's heart. Unlike her mother, she isn't shy. She's quite outgoing, having practically no filter to what she says and does
Likes: Singing, being right, getting affirmation from her parents, exploring, climbing trees, beaches, and cardio exercises are all amongst things she enjoys.
Dislikes: Eliana doesn't like getting told she's wrong, getting dirty and then having to bathe immediately after, not getting to do many things even though she's a princess /because/ she's a princess, being maltreated, repetitiveness, drama, etc.
Hobbies: Mazes, puzzles, games of skill, books (especially mysteries), horseback riding, archery, movies, waltzing on the side (though doesn't have the attention span for too long), hiding from her maids, literally anything new and adventurous she'd like.
Fears: Lack of approval from her parents and from the people, being maltreated, falling off her horse (that's one way to get her mad real quick), not finding the right girl/guy, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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