Brielle Trench (Waters)

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**Read backstory first to avoid becoming confused 😉**

Name: Brielle Trench

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: May 16

Looks: Chloe Grace

Before= Elle/Ella was a wonderfully lovely and bubbly child. She had a bit of sass to her and was nothing but personality. She was confident, responsible, and sweet. She always saw the best in people and would do just about anything to make someone's day better. She was pretty sarcastic and was a bit of a jokester. She never took 'no' for an answer. She was terrible at keeping secrets and was brutally honest.
Now= Brielle is a shy and jumpy girl. She doesn't speak unless spoken to and won't look someone directly in the eye. She sees everyone as an enemy and is frightened of just about everything. She will serve you and do anything that you ask, just don't ask her to tell what happened to her. She'll do /anything/ to keep it a secret, for she knows that telling someone else puts her life, and yours, in danger. She has put up way too many walls and will be difficult to get through. She's a runner, not a fighter.

Before= Storytelling, dolls, jokes, books, helping, being responsible, spending time with her family, children, being sassy, skipping in the rain, anything that involves adventures and making someone's day just a little better.
After= A day that doesn't involve a punishment, thinking about what life could've been like if she was still with her parents, any food whatsoever, the tiny wooden doll named Jessica that she is able to hide away from everyone else.

Before= People purposefully being mean to others, string beans, when people tell her 'no.'
After= Being punished (especially the whip, imagining what life could've been like if she was still with her parents, not being able to say 'no' or 'stop,' crying.

Species: Human

Mr. and Mrs. Trench will call her a mere maid. She's more of an unpaid servant.

Backstory/Family: Young Brielle Waters, known as Elle or Ella by her friends and family, grew up in a tender, loving household. She was the eldest of six young children and was deemed as the babysitter, though she always had help from her mother. She was made to be quite responsible because of it. She loved her family and friends and didn't realize how amazing she had life, though she was never one to take advantage of what she had. She was a sweet and innocent child who everyone always tended to love. Five years ago, young Brielle was taken hostage. After being sold to several "caregivers"/slave-owners throughout the country, Brielle currently resides with Mr. and Mrs. Trench. Though they aren't as bad as many of her previous "caregivers," most, if not all, of her chores are done wrong in some way or another, resulting in punishment. She lives each day like its her last because, if she's (un)lucky, it very well might be.

Strengths: She's good at seeing the bright side in every situation. She is actually a natural-born leader and has several great ideas, though she hasn't been able to use her talents in a few years. She is quite detail-oriented and quick on her feet.

Flaws: She doesn't have a whole lot of confidence anymore. She never lets anyone in to see the real her ever since she was abducted. When there's a mistake, she tends to blame herself.

Smut: Possibly? She's a "smol bean" so I'm not sure if you get anywhere close to it but I guess...?


If a Selection RolePlay:

Caste: She was born a Three but was abducted. She has been treated as an Eight ever since. If she is a maid, she was sold to the palace because the palace was the highest bidder and is now a Six. If she is a Selected, the Trench's, Two's, want to caste climb. Their plan is to take Brielle's child, when she gives birth to the prince's son, a duty Brielle knows full well she cannot follow through with. If she does not win the Selection, her punishment will likely be waiting for her when she returns to their care.

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