Celeste Cadence Trench (Avery)

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Name: Celeste Cadence Trench (Avery)

Age: (She's unsure. But approximately 19.)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: November 12

Looks: Marion Cotillard

Before= Celeste has always been a practical kind of girl. She had a very Type A personality, and was, and is, a good leader. She saw, and sees, all situations in black and white. She has always been very quick-witted. She was a big reader, preferring to be by herself with a book than with friends, and very inquisitive. She was, and is, quite intelligent, and was always above her class. She was very gifted and talented.
Now= Celeste is very very overprotective of who she lives with. She is not at all easy to get through to, and is quick to be judgmental, still seeing everything in black and white. She is tough on the outside, able to take whatever punishment that may come to her without complaint. She is fully aware that everything that she'd gone through wasn't her fault, and will always resent her uncle for selling her into the slave trade because of it. She is good at holding grudges. It's terribly hard for her to actually trust you.

Before= Reading, school (was largely homeschooled), learning, spending time with her family, taking charge and accountability for things, being able to push others buttons past their typical breaking point little bits at a time, being manipulative at times.
After= A day that doesn't involve whipping the people she cares for, taking charge and accountability for things she may not have anything to do with, pushing people to be better than they were before, telling people the harsh reality of their situations, being the person to go to for help, Brielle, Thomas, and the other slaves.

Before: Being caste aside as if she was unintelligent, not being leader, people not listening to her.
After: Her friends being whipped (especially for the first time), the slaves purposefully pushing their punishments on the others, anyone higher up than her, crying or showing weakness, opening up to other people.

Species: Human

Mr. and Mrs. Trench will call her a mere maid. She's more of an unpaid servant. Better yet, she's a slave.

Backstory/Family: Young Celeste Avery began her childhood in a strict military-type household. She was the eldest of two children and was deemed the babysitter. She, like her parents, was very strict on her brother, and was even more strict with herself. She was always pretty type A and loved all things orderly and scheduled, though didn't like it when she wasn't the one in charge. She commanded respect and saw the world in black and white. Still, she loved her family and didn't realize how much her family loved her in return. Ten years ago, when she was about nine, young Celeste was being babysat by her uncle. This uncle never liked her or her brother, and certainly didn't like how much she challenged him. She and her brother were taken and sold into slavery by her uncle, her uncle knowing that he could earn big money from it. After being sold to several "caregivers"/slave-owners throughout the country, Brielle currently resides with Mr. and Mrs. Trench. She and her brother have since been separated for quite a long time, her caregivers having gotten rid of her due to her stubborn behavior. Though they aren't as bad as many of her previous "caregivers," most, if not all, of her chores are done wrong in some way or another, resulting in punishment. She doesn't see herself getting out of her situation, having accepted it, but unwilling for it to destroy her. She wants to help as many people as possible live before she dies. She is quite a realist.

Strengths: She is actually a natural-born leader. She is quite detail-oriented and quick on her feet. She has a strong moral compass and knows what's right and what's wrong. She thinks of others wayyy before herself. She's strong and seemingly fearless.

Flaws: She never lets anyone in to see the real her being very closed off and untrusting. She takes the blame for everything. When there's a mistake, she takes the blame and the punishment, no matter what the punishment may be, even though she knows it's her fault. She takes care of others before herself.

Smut: Sure


If a Selection RolePlay:

Caste: She was born a Two but was sold. She has been treated as an Eight ever since. If she is a maid, she was sold to the palace because the palace was the highest bidder and is now a Six. If she is a Selected, the Trench's, Two's, want the child of whom will be produced when she marries the prince. If she does not win the Selection, her punishment will likely be waiting for her when she returns to their care.

Province: Fennely

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