Cameron Andrews

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Name: Cameron Andrews
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: October 6
Looks: Luke Guldan
Personality: Cameron is practically the definition of calm, cool, and collected. He is more intelligent than he shows to be, though he shows to be quite intelligent already. He works for good but his good deeds go unnoticed. He's almost like a hero in disguise, not wanting attention for what he does. He leads a relatively simple life, teaching and then tutoring spending time with his tutees whenever he has time. He gets bored of his simple life and, surprisingly, is an adrenaline junkie. He is always up for an adventure, whether it's in a book or in real-life. He is good at keeping calm while in the current of tornado winds, in a sense.
Likes: Adventures, books, teaching/tutoring, children, cliff-diving, traveling.
Species: Human
Occupation: College professor of undergraduate sciences (Also volunteers as a tutor for would-be high school students with disabilities)
Backstory/Family: He was raised with his mother and father as an only child, though he had several foster children in and out of his home. He had multitudes of cousins to care for as well. Besides that, his life was fairly nice and simple, with both his parents as college professors, his father a professor of graduate mathematics and his mother a professor of undergraduate English. On occasion, his father would perform research, touching in psychology. The family would travel often, visiting nearly all of the provinces in Illea, their favorite being anywhere near the oceanside, ironic considering they permanently reside in Fennely, a landlocked province. Still, they love anything water sport-related. He joined the Selection just because it was another adventure, visiting the palace and royalty. He isn't particularly rushed in finding love, more preferring to be independent. Though, if he were to fall in love he wouldn't mind, because it was certainly be a new adventure, he thinks he's going to be waiting for a few years for that so he can continue with his adventures before settling down. Hell likely treat the royals as he treats his students and colleagues: respectably, though similarly to everyone else. They probably won't get much special attention, other than a bow here and there.
Strengths: He's good at staying calm during tough situations, he has a good head on his shoulders (both in terms of morals and intelligence), and he's humble and kind.
Flaws: He, on occasion, needs to be reminded to take care of himself and he will sometimes lose himself and will need to be reminded to have fun.
Smut: Possibly?


If a Selection RolePlay:
Caste: 3
Province: Fennely

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