Charlotte Taylor Hawthorne

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Name: Charlotte Taylor Hawthorne
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: August 31
Personality: Taylor is a relatively quiet girl, though not for the usual reasons. Taylor is relatively snobbish and privileged, though not overwhelmingly so. She's well-known and well-loved by all that meet her seemingly perfect self. She volunteers her time with puppies and orphaned children, though only because she likes the publicity. It'll be hard to ruin her image. She's a stereotypical cheerleader kind of girl, though on a lesser level, with an arrogant, poised and proper twist. She's not quite a valley girl kind of blonde, though she might fit in with the Heathers, if you know what they are.
Likes: Dresses, shopping (duh), shoes, all things fashion, pictures, interviews, all things chic and cool, being fabulous, setting trends, anything a bit reckless and adventurous (though no one will ever know).
Dislikes: Being told off, her annoying little brother, being normal, her first name.
Species: Human
Occupation: Her parents are nobles. They're rich. She doesn't need to work. Though, she enjoys modeling every once in a while.
Backstory/Family: Tay-Tay came from a family of very high status. She has her mother, her father, and her annoying eight-year-old little brother living under the same roof. Even though they practically live in a mansion, no space is big enough to drown out the sounds of her brother, who knows exactly which buttons to push to get on her nerves. She is constantly asked to babysit him, and, though she reluctantly agrees, she typically will be on her phone or working on a project of her own while he's doing God-only-knows-what. She can take responsibility and she's actually relatively good at it, she just doesn't if she doesn't want to. She loves taking charge, except her brother doesn't listen. She can't take control of her brother, so she doesn't. She likes to take charge but on her terms and in her way. The responsibility she's been put in charge of likely contributes to her craving for rebellion and recklessness. Though she loves it, she's amazing at hiding her love for it. Her parents haven't a clue. She's just too perfect to misbehave. It's blamed on her brother if it comes to it, which also likely contributes to his disrespect towards her.
Strengths: She's a natural-born leader. She is good at controlling a crowd and manipulating people into believing one thing about her when she's really another. She's good at keeping calm, holding a powerful air about her, as is required, though she'd much prefer to pull a prank or go cliff jumping. She thinks she's good at pretty much everything, though keeps it to herself because, obviously, not everyone could understand how perfect she is.
Other: I'd like to emphasize the fact that she absolutely despises her first name. She decides, instead, to go by her middle name most often. You'd be lucky if you knew her first name. It means she really likes and trusts you.

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