July 31st

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                                                                                                                                                        July 31st 7:58 p.m

Dear Himitsu,

        This time, Itachi got sick. We all think that he got whatever Sasuke got sick from, so instead, Sasuke and his dad came over. It was fun.

        We talked and played outside and talked some more. We trained too! My dad and his dad were both teaching us. I don’t think either of us got this tired in our entire life!

        I gave him a necklace too! His said Determined. Well, he is very determined.

        Sasuke had to leave halfway through the day, so I ended up getting even more training and kunoichi lessons. This time I learned how to dance. I’m not very graceful, but I’m working on it.


                        Bye Himitsu! Kimura Uchiha

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