Chapter 57

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Today, Skylynn is leaving us to go back with her parents. I am a little upset, but a little relieved at the same time. Our week with her was great, but I think I want time to just myself and Nash before we are stuck with one of our own. Over the week, we started to pack up our clothes and things we want to bring because Nash decided that we are going to move out of here when Skylynn leaves, which is today. I can tell he is very excited because he was the one doing most of the packing, which is something you never see. I walk over to the door and set down our bags and Skylynn's with all her toys and clothes. I think she really had a good time here and I know she is going to miss Nash. 

"What are you thinking about?" Nash asks as he wraps his arms around my body.

"Actually, I was thinking about Skylynn leaving believe it or not." I say and he chuckles. 

"We can go visit them soon." he says. So, he is thinking about the future with me? Well, I wasn't expecting that. I think tonight I need to really bring that up to him. It might ruin the night, but the summer is coming to a fast ending and I don't think I'm ready to part without him. 

"When will mommy be here?" Skylynn asks us. 

"She should be here any minute actually!" I say to her and she grins. "Did you have fun?" I ask her and she nods her head really quickly. 

"When can I come back?" she asks me and I look up Nash. 

"How about whenever you want?" he asks and she nods her head. 

"So I can come back tomorrow?" she giggles. I smile and there is a knock on the door. Nash pulls his arms away from my body and I open the door. I have a warm smile on my face when I see Nash's mom. 

"Hello! How was your get away?" I ask and she has a smile on her face as well. 

"It was great actually, thank you for asking! Where is little Skylynn?" she asks and I turn around. Skylyn is hiding behind Nash's legs, not wanting to leave. 

"Hm I think she left actually!" I say and I hear a little giggle coming from Skylynn's mouth.

"Oh darn! I better get going then have a nice day you guys!" she says and Skylynn squeals and runs up to her mom. "Thank you guys so much for watching her!" 

"It was no problem really! She is adorable." I state and her mom nods her head as she looks over her baby girl. 

"Do you want these in the car?" Nash asks, referring to Skylynn's bags. 

"No, Nash we want them to stay right there." his mom says, sarcastically. 

Nash rolls his eyes and brushes past us with Skylynn's bags and Skylynn ends up following him. It leaves just me and Nash's mother. 

"So are you guys going on vacation?" she asks, referring to our bags. I feel the heat run to my cheeks and I look to see where Nash is, but he is talking to Hayes. 

I say, "Um, no actually I don't know if Nash told you or not, but we are moving in together." she nods her head with a smile. 

"Ah I see, no he didn't tell me, but that's lovely!" she says and Nash slowly returns to us without Skylynn. 

"She's in the car, mom." Nash says, trying to get rid of his mom as fast as possible. I nudge him and he chuckles. 

"Okay I guess that's my cue to leave. Nash, if you don't stay in contact with me then I will fly out here and live with you because I will miss you so much!" she syas and pulls him into a hug. Then she turns to me and pulls me into a hug. Into my ear she says, "I hope it's a girl." 

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