Chapter 20

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Before I start I just want to say that I understand a lot of you hate Harry and Jeff, but they are part of the book and they aren't leaving anytime soon.. So I'm sorry if you dislike them, but they are part of the story, so they aren't going to go anywhere yet. Here you goo!:


"What?" I ask him and he lets out a deep breath. 

"Sophie I know it's really soon and everything, but I want you to know exactly how I feel. Nothing more nothing less. I love you Sophie and I don't care if you don't yet. I should just be lucky that I have you right now. I hope we don't end up hating each other because I said this, but it's the truth." he says and by the end, I have the biggest smile on my face. I've been fighting the voice in my mind saying that I love him so much because it was just too early. 

I grab his hand and say, "Nash it's totally fine. Honestly, I've wanted to say that to you for the longest time. Did you really think I would freak out and we would end up in a fight?" he chuckles and shakes his head. 

"Well, now I feel stupid" I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder. Honestly, I've wanted to say so many things to him and do so many things with him, but I really do feel like it's too early for all this stuff. I mean yeah we dated for a long time like 3 years ago, but right now, it's only been a couple weeks. He grabs my waist and pulls me as close as I will go. 

We go around for another 10 minutes on the carriage and the park is absolutely breath taking. Between all the lights and the soft music they had playing, I think it's the most romantic place I've ever been to. We get off the carriage, Nash pays the guy and takes my hand. 

"Hungry?" he asks and I nod my head. "Good lets go" he starts walking, but I have no idea where. We walk out of the park, and end up at small little cafe 5 minutes later. Right when we enter the store, the air hits us and it feels so good. We get a small table and relax for a couple minutes.

"What do you want I'll go up and get it" Nash says and I smile. 

I say, "Hmm how about an iced coffee and a muffin?" Nash nods his head and stands up. He kisses me on the head and walks away. I can't help but smile because today is literally perfect. Nothing can change that. Nash walks over with everything I asked for and I thank him with a smile. I set down all the stuff he handed me and start eating my muffin. 

"OH MY GOD IS THAT NASH GRIER?!" I hear a girl scream. I turn around in my chair and my eyes go wide. I turn right back around and look at Nash. Of course they decide to notice him tonight. Of all nights. We have never had problems before and the night we wanted to have to ourselves the fans show up. Nash gets up from the table and walks over to the girl that pretty much screamed in this small cafe. I love his fans, don't get me wrong, but we all want time to ourselves. 

I mind my own business while Nash talks to the fans and when I turn around to see what's taking so long, he's outside with a huge crowd around him. Well, looks like I'm gonna be here for a while. I turn back around and jump in my seat. I pull my eyebrows together at the sight in front of me. 

"Hello Sophie" he says. 

My eyes go wide and I back up my chair as far away as possible, without making a scene. "What do you want?" I ask and he chuckles. 

"Well, I wanted to see if you got my delivery" he says, with a smirk on his face. 

I turn around and Nash has his back to me, talking to the fans. I turn back around and say, "Yes I got it and I have nothing to say to you, Jeff" 

The smirk leaves his face and he grins, "Well you remember my name I was expecting you to not remember my name.. But I mean how could you not forget me?" I groan and stand up. He grabs my wrist and I pull it away from his grip. 

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