"Well I'm going to get ready. The wedding will be soon." He said as he retreated out of the room.

I nodded at his disappeared and once again assumed my watch.

"Mi'lord? Your bath." A servant girl spoke timidly as I spun around to see that there was a steaming tub in the middle of my room.

"Yes thank you." I said as she began to leave

"Do you happen to know where Aragorn finds himself?"

"He's finishing his bath mi'lord." She said as I gave a nod as she quickly made her escape.

I left my room leaving the bath behind to cool and bounded down the hall a few doors down and opened the door without caring to knock.

"You could have knocked." Aragorn said as he combed through his shoulder length dark hair. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the already closed door

"What is it brother?" He asked pushing back his hair and standing up

"It's Visenya." I started as he squinted his eyes slightly

"What about her? Is she alright?" He asked with concern

"Yes, Yes she's fine it's just..there's been a change of plans. She wants you to walk her down the aisle." I said as he seemed startled

"Me? Are you sure?" He asked pointing to himself as I nodded as I walked about his room. His muddy boots by the door. A blood stained rag laid on the edge of the tub.

"Well it'll be an honor." He replied

"Good, make sure you're presentable." I said leaving his room without another word and quickly walked through a series of halls and up one large staircase before knocking on the large wooden door.

"Can I help you?" Asked Visenya's new handmaiden through a small crack of the door.

"Yes, I want to speak with Visenya." I said trying to look around her

"Who's at the door Misty?" Visenya's voice called out

"Lord Aegon." Misty answered before a wordless command had the door opened widely for me to pass through.

"Give is a moment." Visenya said as she sat by the large window.

Her three handmaidens scurried out of the room, closing the door behind them. 

"Your bed." I said after a moment of silence

"It's bigger." I said staring at it as I stood at the foot of the bed.

"Yes, I had it brought in this morning." She said as I nodded before taking a step away from it to look at Visenya.

The sun shines behind her as the light shone on her silver hair giving the image of a halo placed upon her head. It was long and silky reaching the bottom of her back. This might be the first time I had seen her hair down without any braids woven in her silver hair.

Her violet eyes, the same ones I possessed, stared at me as if she was stripping away my skin, my meat and bones and leaving my soul bare. Ready to be plucked and taken apart to its purest form. Leaving no room for secrets only truth.

"You haven't bathed. Or if you did you haven't done a very good job, you still have dirt on your face." She notes as I gave her a small smile.

"When you walk me down the aisle I want you to look presentable. That means taking a bath. Washing your hair and braiding it anew. And wearing the clothes that I picked out for you.

You don't have a lot of time and I know how you like to soak." She said as I looked out the window behind her as I sighed.

"Visenya I think it's best if Aragorn walks you down the aisle." I said as that seems to knock her off her balance

Visenya Stark ( Game Of Thrones )Where stories live. Discover now