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The guys went home and Ashton fell asleep on the couch soon after. Jay and I headed to her room, raising up the window hoping to catch a breeze.

"I hate when the guys get guard dog protective. I wasn't the one that made the slip up it was you." She laughed and I rolled my eyes as u laid across her lap.

"Fuck you. Maybe they were just trying to prevent the inevitable."

"The fuck are you talking about."

"Think about it Jay. Once one takes a wrong turn the other seems to follow."

"Name one."

"I can name three."


"Well for starters, the whole pot thing. I started smoking it first and you were just so curious that you ended up smoking it too. The guys didn't have a problem with it until we started skipping school." She rolled her eyes and she urged me on. "Then its the whole drinking phase we went through. We got wasted EVERY weekend and they were the ones that watched over us. You my friend started that one." I paused and she looked at me.

"What's the third? You said you can name three." I swallowed the lump in my throat feeling the jokingly mood quickly evaporating.

"Well, first you started to reconcile with Justin and lying to the guys and now I'm doing it. Its inevitable Jay. For fucksakes we're lying to them!"

"Keep your voice down dammit!"she whispered yell before groaning in frustration. "I don't like it either, just give it enough time. Soon things will go back to normal."

"Things will never go back to normal Jay, don't you see that?" We both Jumped at the sudden voice of Justin's and saw him leaning against the window frame. He quickly strolled over to the door and locked it before sitting down on the bed with us. Ally sat up so he could squeeze in between us. Once he was settled she laid across his lap and I put my head in his shoulder.

"I know that Just, I-I just want them to go back to as normal as possible." She sighed.

"I agree. It doesn't feel right without you and I don't like lying to them." I agreed. Justin sighed and ran his fingers through my hair as he caressed Jay's cheek.

"I don't want to put you guys in an uncomfortable position, but I have to be honest. After everything I said and did I have a better chance of persuading them not kill me then to forgive me."

"Justin you know they're not like that..." I began to plead only to have him cut me off.

"As I stand before this group of four, I vow to be the guy they need. To protect them from harm and their self-esteem. To tell them their pretty. To understand their pain. To try to heal their hearts and wipe away their tears and promise never to be the cause of it. To break this vow will end in exile and never allowed to speak to either them or the four guys again. To accept the storm of angry swears and violent fists and kicks. I agree to the terms and conditions and promise never to break this oath for as long as I live." we stared at him in disbelief. Things were beginning to make sense. The constant agreeing to whatever we wanted to do. Never going against our words and always trying to make us feel better no matter how much of a bitch we were.

""When was that made?" asked Jay her voice cracking slightly.

"Second grade. What I said was the revised version that was made freshman year." He admitted. I sat up feeling shame feel my bones.

"Were we really that fragile to you guys?"

"It wasn't like that Ally. We all just understood. Slowly but surly everyone went from hating us to accepting us. Just because you guys got a hell of a lot curvier then most as we grew up, and trust me that is a very good thing, people started to hate us. Mostly because we wouldn't leave you two like everyone wanted. Hence the reason I'm exiled. I broke all the rules and I didn't it all at once."

"But you have a logical reason!" I yelled." They have to understand that. It can't be that simple."

"Despite the reason Al, I broke the oath." I flopped back on the bed and laid across his lap defeated. For a moment there was nothing but silence.

"Is their a way to reverse the damage?" Asked Jay.

"We were young. The only thing we came up was for the violater to wear dresses for a week and to fight Dave with a hand tied behind their back on the Friday of said week."

"Well get to shopping Just. We'll clean you up afterwards. You will also have to explain. Leave Cynthia and Lillian to us." I said.

"We're not asking either." Chimed in Jay an with that we all chatted mindlessly until three in the morning and Justin left. Soon after we were fast asleep.


The next morning we woken up by Ashton jumping up and down on the bed like a little kid.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! Jay! Ally! Get up its Saturday!" He yelled causing us to laugh while trying to pull the cover over out heads. "Get up! We cooked you guys breakfast!"

"Ash, promising us poison won't make us get out of bed." I laughed.

"Fine. Brad throw away the pancakes. Dave you might as well eat the bacon and eggs. Save me a cup of orange juice but pour the rest down the drain. Austin, I know you worked really hard, but you might as well take the brownies home." He yelled out the door and erupted in laughter as we pushed past him to go to the bathroom.

"Don't listen to that psycho, we'll be down in a minute!" Yelled Jay laughter filling the halls and echoing around. A few minutes later we were headed downstairs. We hugged them all and said thank you as we sat around the table for breakfast.

"You two look like you had a rough night. Care to explain what happened." Jay and I looked at each other and smiled. Even though I could see the pain beneath her eyes. I sighed as I spoke up.

"Well, I was trying to go to sleep and every time I began to doze off I felt a roaming hand. So I smacked it away and emphasized the fact that I was taken. She laughed and climbed on top of me pinning me down to the bed. Long story short she raped me. With her fingers. With her tongue. With the dildo and strap on she hides in a box in her closet."

"You wasn't complaining last night bitch. Besides you never said stop and you liked it. To bad Ashton slept through the entire time you were screaming my name."

"Don't forget you screamed my name also."

"Baby I never forget a name that makes me cum that hard."

"You know you can always reenact you night of fun right here. Look at that, you even have some props." Said Dave pointing to himself and the food. "I'm sure one more won't hurt." We burst into laughter as Brad, Austin and Ashton slapped him upside the head. After calming down I had to ask the question I needed the answer to.

"Guys, what if Justin apologized for things he said and had a logical explanation for why he did it?"

"Have you been talking to him Ladybug?"

"No. I'm just curious. Been on my mind lately."


"No, its been hard, but I haven't. I wonder the same thing too."

"Well, if it'll ease you mind it won't be that easy. We promised each other not to do exactly what he did and he broke that. He'll have to go through a lot to be forgiven by us."

"Like?" I said unable to help myself.

"We'll kick his ass. He'll have to explain everything. We might even make him wear a dress to school. Or..." He stopped and smiled at the guys. The smiled back and even laughed. I felt my stomach drop and looked at Jay to see her basically mirroring my reaction.

"Or what Dave?" She asked.

"Or we wait until school is over and air out his dirty laundry. Every single detail. Then he fights me one on one. Maybe then, he'll be forgiven. Let's put it to a vote. All in favor of the dirty laundry raise your hand." I looked at the guys and was surprised to see all of their hands raised. "Its settled. If the douche decides to apologize that is how he'll be forgiven." Nobody else said nothing as we went back to eating. I looked up at Jay only to have her mouth 'we have to warn him'. I simply nod my head in agreement. I wish I would've kept my mouth shut.

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