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After an entire day in in-school and a hour of detention I was beyond tired. We all were. Hate to say it, but I was kind of glad all of this was working out in my favor. I didn't want to lie to them, but I also didn't want them to find out I was meeting Justin later on tonight. We all said our goodbyes, to tired to even make plans to hang out tonight. True to his word Ashton was keeping me company again tonight. Since I was trying to both stay woke and kill a little bit of time I made an early dinner. Just some beef and steak tacos. I was suppose to be making enough for two, but ended up with enough for the entire gang. I laughed. When I finished we ate, he showered and was knocked out in seconds. I packed up a plate for Justin just in case he hadn't ate and cleaned up our mess. It was only seven o'clock by the time I made it to the hideout, giving me thirty minutes to think. If he was so done with us why did he agree to meet me here? Was it because literally nobody else knew about it? Or was he planning to break what little bit of my heart I had left? A sudden noise broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Justin coming towards me. He looked beat down and tired. I felt bad something was seriously wrong with him. Quickly I stood up. The moment he was close enough to me he pulled me into a tight hug. Out of sheer habit I inhaled his scent and loosely hugged him back. After a minute to long to be comfortable hug he pulled away with a small smile on his face. Before he could say anything I put the plate in his face.

"I brought you some tacos." He smiled and eagerly accepted them. We sat on the couch as I tried not to stare as he ate in comfortable silence. Once he was finished, he wipes his hands and made me face him.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry about everything Jay, you have to believe me. Don't take anything that I say to heart. I love you guys, but things are so complicated right now"

"Justin, why can't you tell us what's going on?"

"Look, I'll tell you and only you meaning you can't tell anyone else."

"I won't lie to my friends Justin." I replied angrily.


"WELL YOU HAVE A FUNNY WAY OF SHOWING IT!" For a minute he looked like he was about to argue, but he stopped himself and took a deep breath.

"You're right. I haven't been acting like a good friend lately, but I promise you I have a good explanation."

"Then explain. I'll decide whether or not I want to share this with them."

"Fine. As you know this summer I went to LA with my parents. I even got to see the HOLLYWOOD sign. Anyways, on our way from seeing the sign I ran into Lillian and trust me away from Cynthia and John she's somebody completely different. She holds intelligent conversation, she's not an airhead, she's really nice and...right. Anyways, she asked me to hangout so we went to the beach and we got into this heated debate about mermaids. Like Al, she believes they exist. So one thing lead to another and next thing I know where behind some huge wall of rocks and my hand is over her mouth trying to muffle her screams."

"So you got laid on the beach, what does this have to do with you being a dick to us lately?" I asked upset that the green little monster was rearing his ugly head.

"Calm down Jay and let me finish. So the night we had our heated discussion, right after you told me what you told me I got a text from her saying it was important. That's why I disappeared otherwise I would've been trying to make amends with you..." He looked at me pleading, but I stood my ground. I couldn't understand without hearing the full story. I don't care how much he didn't want to finish, if he wanted my friendship still he had to be honest.

"Justin..." I warned.

"Right...so I went over there and needless to say we had sex." He paused. Strike one. "I guess she wanted to loosen me up before she showed me a picture of an ultrasound. She told me she was a month pregnant and its mine. I did the math. It adds up to our little day at the beach." He paused again as I gasped in shocked. Strike two. "I begged her to let me talk to you guys and she said that Cynthia said that being around fat girls made they baby turn out fat. I tried explaining how stupid that was. Still she insisted that it was either you guys or the baby. Jay, you know I had to do what was right." Strike three.

"I applaud you for stepping up Justin I really do, but this is going to take a little more time then I thought to grasp. You having a child with the enemy. I know it wasn't your initial plan,but still. Anyways, that's not the reason why I can't be your friend. The reason is what you said to me and Al was downright disrespectful. I can forgive you for that though. What I'm upset most about is the fact that you lied. I asked you about you summer and you said nothing about hooking up with Lillian. If you would've just told us, we would've understood why you couldn't hang out with us for awhile, but no you treated us how they treat us. Like we're blundering idiots that don't know how to behave. Like we're incompetent fools that can't think for ourselves. You didn't fight for our friendship Justin, and you didn't fight for us. You gave up way to quickly. Which makes me wonder if everything you ever said to me was a lie? If you were ever really committed and willing to be our friend. I've had you're back every since that day you decided to join a lonely little fat girl for lunch at the picnic table when no one us would, and you drop me and the first sign of trouble. We would've helped you Justin. She can't stop you from seeing that child if you've done nothing wrong. My mom has lawyer friends you know this, we could've helped you out. I'm going to leave now. This is all too much to take in, but I do applaud you for being a man and taking responsibility for your actions. Not to many will." I got up as quickly as I possibly could my head still spinning from all the new information.

"Wait Jay...where...where does this leave... Us?" He sound so hopeful yet defeated. I sighed as I brushed the hair from his forehead.

"This one just doesn't involve me Justin. I-I need to talk to Al and the guys on this one and see if they'll take you back. You said some hurtful stuff that no one like. They might understand or they still might want to kick your ass. Hell they might do both, but I'll talk to them. Give me a few days and I'll text you. Just be prepared for whatever outcome you might get. You made your bed you have to lie in it." I sighed a heavy breath. This was way harder then I thought it would be.

" I get it. See you around Jay." He attempted to smile, but it came weak and didn't even come close to reaching his eyes. I wanted to cry. He was really hurting and he wanted us there,but that evil conniving bitch wouldn't let him be around us. I sighed. Degrading her would do us no good.

"Yeah see ya around." I said kissing his cheek before leaving the hideout. I walked home and let my mind roam. I was glad to see that Ashton was still sleeping. I yawned. This was really one hell of a first week of school.

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