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Today started off as the worst day ever. This morning Ashton met up with us and told us that Jay was sick and wouldn't be joining us during school. My heart broke. As we sat in in-school I noticed that Justin wasn't here.

"Shit!" I said out loud before I could stop myself causing the guys to look at me confused. I had to come up with something quick. I didn't know the truth after all.

"What's the matter ladybug?"asked Dave his eyebrow quirked up curiously. I felt my cheeks blush and decided to use it to my advantage.

"Don't be mad, but I didn't eat breakfast this morning cause I was worried about Jay. Also, I didn't have my usual morning snack just in case I forgot breakfast." Nobody said anything and before I knew it Austin was placing a pack of strawberry filled pop tarts with the white frosting(my favorite) in front of me.

"Eat it." He said before sitting back in his sit. I jumped a little from the force in his voice. I looked around and knew I had successfully pissed them off, even though that wasn't my intention. Piece by piece I stuffed my mouth with the pop tart. Out of my peripheral vision I noticed Brad giving me looks, but I said nothing. If I was right about Jay and Justin, I had to keep it to myself.

After what ended up being the longest Friday of my life seeing as none of the guys would speak to me, the final bell rang.

"Guys, I'm sorry. It just slipped my mind." I whined as we walked home.

"That's what happened last time Ally. First, it just happened to slip your mind for a day, then it skipped your mind for a week. Next thing we know we're sitting in the hospital because you guys passed out from three weeks without food. You promised not to do it again." Said Dave through clenched teeth and I found myself on the verge of tears. Dave called my Ladybug so much that my name sounded foreign coming from his lips. I stopped and they all mimicked my actions and looked at me. Without another word I walked up to Dave and hugged him feeling the tears slide down my cheeks rapidly.

"It was a honest mistake Dave. I'm sorry." I choked out. Slowly his arms began to wrap around me.

"Its okay Ladybug, just don't do it again." He sighed.

"I won't I promise." I smiled my face still buried in his chest. His wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we began to walk home again. It was so obvious that he was quickly becoming my new best friend every since Brad and I started dating. When we arrived on the block everyone agreed to meet up at Jay's house in a few hours. I smiled at Ashton's reluctance to go home understanding completely, but he needed to get more clothes. I however couldn't wait. My sneaky suspicion was confirmed as soon as I opened the door to find Justin walking down the stairs with Jay following behind him. They looked like two deer's about to be hit by a car. I laughed.

"Told you I over slept." He laughed before giving me his attention again. "Well since your here Ally. I want to apologize I didn't mean any of it and I'm sure Jay will explain why. Just please don't say anything to the guys until I figure this out."

I didn't hear anything he said. It all was just a bunch of jibberish as my eyes swelled with joyful tears I knew we hadn't lost our Justin. In a blur my arms were wrapped around his waist and I was hugging him for dear life not wanting to ever let go again. I could feel his chest shake with laughter.

"I've missed you too Al." He said hugging me tighter to him. " hate to say it, but I really have to go if I don't want the guys to see me. I'll see you another time. I promise." He kissed my check and I finally let him go. He gave Jay a quick peck on the lips and with a wave goodbye from us both he disappeared out the back door. I wiped my eyes and turned towards a red face Jay. I crossed my arms across my chest and gave her a knowing smirk. She signed in return causing me to quirk my eyebrow up questioningly.

"Justin ran into Lillian during his vacation. That night we had whatever it was between us he got a call from her telling him to come over. They had sex and then she told him she was a little over a month pregnant. Long story short Cynthia got into her head and Justin had to choose us or the kid. The choice was obviously. The things he said was the clones words written on note cards and forced to memorize. Obviously I've forgiven him, I hope you have to. I miss him more then you know." She said finally taking a breath. I smiled at her. For the first time all week talking about Justin didn't leave this void feeling.

"Breathe crazy. Of course I forgive him now that I understand. I'm not too sure about the guys though, and I really don't want to keep a secret from them. However, I won't say anything. I miss him too and as much as I wanted to believe Justin was just sick of us, I couldn't find it in my heart to give up on him. I feel terrible about what I said to him, but I'm pretty sure he knows that."

"You did hug him kind of tight. Anyways, what happened today?"

"Well as you know we had in-school. Mr.Robertson was in charge and apparently every knows about what happened and he seen that you and Justin wasn't there, but he still marked you as there. It took awhile but I figured it out." I giggled as her cheeks heated up. " I was way more excited then mad. Anyways, I kinda voiced my speculation by yelling shit and had to tell the guys that I had forgotten to eat anything that morning. Needless to say they were pissed and made me eat pop tarts. I literally just got on their good side moments before I came over here."

"How bad was it? Want to cook something?" She said still listening as we rummaged through the fridge and cabinets settling on making lasagna. At least the guys would eat almost anything. Lasagna being one.

"Dave called me Ally." I said feeling my chest tightened at the memory of it.

"Wow, that bad. I don't even remember the last time he called us by our name."

"Well for me it was after school." I said as a stray tear slid down my face. "We really scared them back then Jay. I don't like that we did that."

"Neither do I Al. We're getting better though. Hopefully."

"You do realize they're gonna find a way to blame this forgetfulness on Justin right."

"That's what scares me." She said honestly. We didn't bother to continue the conversation. It was getting to heavy for the both of us. The thought of our group never being whole again left an empty hole in my heart and I'm sure Jay felt the same. The guys came over just as the lasagna finished. After serving everyone we sat down with them. They eyed us carefully while trying to make it seem like they weren't. I sighed. This was going to be a stressful couple of weeks. Them watching us at every moment and us hiding secret meeting with Justin. When did our friendship become this? I didn't like it and I was sure Jay hated it just as much.

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