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They say people come and go like the season and that your worst enemy will the your memory. Well they were right because I know our season is ending and the memories we shared is killing me. You left and now I don't feel whole. I just want you back home. Come with me, stay with me, don't just let our season go. And when you come back, will I still open my door?

My brain hurts as I sit in in-school because we skipped detention yesterday. Its eerily quite and Justin refuses to make contact with any of us. The others don't seem to care, but I can't help it. I just want him to acknowledge my presence. Today is obviously not a good day for any of us. Justin included. We all are wearing sweatpants with t-shirts. That says a lot. Everyone looks like they haven't slept in days. There's nothing to do and we have completed the days work. We also have detention. Even though he's ignoring me the day we first met is clear in my head.

I had been sitting alone on the bench under the shade. My cheeks were cute and full and I was such an adorable chubby kid. I was pouting because Ally was at home sick with the chicken pox. Dave and Brad went to the dentist that day. They were the only four kids I knew and none of them were there. I was trying not to cry for my mommy like all five year olds do when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a little boy with braces. I heard the other kids calling him metal mouth earlier, but I don't they were cute.

"Can we sit with you?" He asked and it was then I seen the two little boys behind him. One wore the cutest pair of glasses I had ever seen and the other one was just really shy. I nodded my head and they eagerly took their seats. "I'm Justin by the way."

"I'm Ja'hara, but my friends call me Jay."

"I'm Austin." Said the kid with glasses excitedly. I smiled and waved five stubby little finger sausages at him.

"I'm Ashton." Said the quiet one. I turned to him and smiled only to have him smile back at me.

"I like you. You're nice." Said Justin and I beamed with excitement.

"I have more friends, but they not here. Its Ally, Brad and Dave. Brad and Dave be back tomorrow. I don't when Ally come back she gota chicken pox."

"Ally your bestfriend?" He asked and I nodded my head eagerly. He smiled. "I'll be your best friend until she comes back if you wana." I said okay and a week later the seven of us were eating lunch together.

The memory had tears coming to my eyes. Before I knew it the words were slipping out my mouth.

"You'd said you'd be my best friend until Ally came back, but you kept it up for over thirteen years. I really don't get you and the thing is by trying to hurt us, you're hurting yourself just as bad. Why Justin? Why now?" Everyone was looking at me worriedly. Everyone but him. He acted as if he didn't hear me and it was clear the person in charge of in-school constant shushing was going in one ear and out the other.

"Justin just answer her. None of your new friends are around. The least you could do is give her an explanation. Give us an explanation." Spoke Ally her voice cracking horribly. I smiled at her before turning my attention back to him. Still nothing.

"Dude, I swear if you don't..."

"Dave stop! I get it now. That's what he wants. He wants us to let you guys beat him senseless for as long as he can take it. He doesn't like this decision he's made and he's already hating it. He wants to hurt as bad as we're hurting. Don't give him the satisfac-"

"YOU STUPID BITCH SHUT UP! Your fatass have absolutely no idea what I'm thinking or feeling. You want to know why now, because I ran out of pity for the two fattest bitches I've ever seen. You want people to shut up about your weight do something about. Go to a gym, start a fucking diet. Do anything besides sit on your damn fat asses eating, bitching and complaining. For fucksakes life doesn't revolve around you. So please, leave me the hell alone and stop talking to me like I'm not sick of the constant bullshit." With that he sat back down and went back to ignoring us. I say there with my mouth hanging open and trying hard to fight back the tears.

"Know what Justin we're tired of your petty ,incessant, lucid, asinine, adolescent bullshit. Get over yourself. Whatever the hell is making you act this ridiculous as shit to do with us. We didn't cause whatever problem you're having, you did. We did nothing but try to be there for you. We didn't make it to seem like the world revolved around us. We constantly tried to get the focus off of us and you know that. No one was stopping you from telling us if something was going on in your life or not. For you to take out all this hatred on us. The fat bitches that needs to go to a gym or start a diet, who's been there since kindergarten where you got made fun of for you're braces. Where the same kids that called you metal mouth you just ditched us for. The same kids that made your life a living hell up until six grade where they finally took them damn things off, who are now you're so called friends. You're hanging out with the same guys that use to put magnets close to your mouth and laugh like hyenas. The only reason you don't know the outcome of that is because Brad and Dave was there to help. Back in eight grade when the same Lillian you're fucking now, stood you up and bragged about it to our entire class. It was Jay and I who beat her ass to make you feel better, and this is how you treat us! You call us out our name and try to degrade us every chance you get. I only have a few words left for you Justin and I hope you hear them well. FUCK YOU AND I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!"

I sighed as Ally finished her rant and briefly I wondered if I was the only one that seen the hurt in his eyes. Clearly I was the only one who still had just a little bit of faith on him left. I needed to tall to him. Away for the gang, school and Cynthia them. I signed and pulled out my phone what I was about to do took a lot of courage.

To Justin:
The hideout. 7:30 tonight. Please?

From: Justin
Just this once. I'll be there.

I sighed with relief. At least I could some type of understanding before making my decision to either hold on or let him go. Either way I needed to clear my head before I decided anything. I loved him to much to lose him, but like they say some people are like seasons. Maybe our season was up.

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