That snapped me out of my momentary weakness. My body started pumping with anger. My heart started to pound faster and my face turned hot with anger. The bubbling in my stomach stopped, and so did the fluttering.

"Who the hell is Keila?" I snapped.

"Who is this?"

The voice that had been so sweet and charming turned into a cold icy voice. Just like the one in the dungeon that called me pathetic. Tears sprung into my eyes at the memory. He recognized my voice. He would never speak to me like he would with Keila. I fell down to my knees in the grass. I nearly hung up, when I felt my chest start to tighten up with the on coming tears, and my stomach knot up.

No, I had to warn him. I felt like I was betraying my family, because I was telling the enemy a big secret. I would rather have the rouge dead though. It took all of my strength to talk again and tell him what needed to be done.

"I'm-" I broke off as my own voice started to choke me. I felt tears slide down my cheek. I wiped them away, and sniffled.

"I'm calling to warn you. There is a rouge my family chased onto your land. He got away from an attack he and some others had on my family." I was incredibly surprised when it all came out in a somewhat strong voice. Though my voice did crack on the end.

"Is that you Eliana?" He seemed to struggle to say my name with anger and coldness.

"Yeah," I whispered out with my voice cracking again.

"Never call me again, ok?" He said in a not as cold or angry as before voice, before hanging up.

I clutched the phone to my chest, hoping he would call back. Tears were freely coming down my face now. I sobbed, still clutching at the phone, and rocked back and forth on my heels.

"Stupid mate," I kept whispering over and over again. It reassured me, and gave me the strength I needed to stay up, and not fall over. I still bawled like a baby though.

I suddenly heard a rustling in the leaves before me. I snapped my head up, to see a deep oak brown wolf standing in front of me just barely hidden behind a tree. A small scar ran from his ear to his chin. He also had blood matted into the fur above his left shoulder, and on his ear. The rouge.

My phone slipped through my fingers, landing on the soft grass with a gentle thud. My body was screaming at me to stay still. Completely still! I stared into the dark golden eyes of the giant wolf before me. The eyes stared back at me. He cocked his head to the side, curious. He probably smelled that I was human. I started to panic. I'm human I could never fight him. He was almost the size of Dad, and Dad was even big for a werewolf.

He also just found a new way to get at my family, me. This was the one thing that freaked my family out even more then packs, rouges finding out about me. Packs knew their limits, but rouges didn't. Well now they had, and that wolf probably heard my entire conversation with Jace and his dad. Shit, he also knew I had a mate now. Well, I was going to be the death of both packs. This was just great.

I had no idea how my mind reached all of these extreme measures, but I was pretty sure that was what was going on in his head this very moment. It was all true too. The wolf suddenly turned around, breaking contact with me, and running at the speed of light out into the woods beyond. He headed north, and vanished.

After a minute, I had the strength I needed to get up and warn my family. I ran into the house as fast as I could.

"HELP!" I screamed to get everyone's attention. Immediately I was surrounded by my family members that had been inside the house previously.

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