Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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*August 1985*

David stood on the doorstep of Anna's house, nervously looking around at all the squad cars that lined the driveway and lawn. Bobby had invited him to his annual late summer barbeque, an honor, he was assured, never before bestowed upon a boyfriend of Anna's. They had been together since early spring and he was still looking for any excuse to spend time with her, even if it meant being surrounded by several Metro PD officers.

"Hey!" Anna ripped open the door, out of breath from running to the front door from the backyard. "Oh Jesus, David. What are you wearing?" He looked down at his polo shirt and khaki pants, shrugging as a way of explanation. She giggled and looked behind him, making sure he had driven his truck and not his mom's Ford. "I so appreciate the effort, kitten but go get your gig bag."

She waited for him outside her bathroom, giving him a sigh of relief when he came out wearing his normal baggy shorts and band shirt. "Much better," she smiled and put her arms around him.

"I missed you," he said between her kisses.

"You saw me this morning."

"That was five hours ago."

"Fine, I missed you too."

"Gross!" David rolled his eyes when he heard Amy gag at the bottom of the steps. "Anna, your dad says he needs more seasoning!" she whined.

"Be right there, Satan!" she called back down to her.

"Why is she here?" David whispered as they walked down the steps.

"Her parents are friends with mine," she explained. "Hey, did your mom have to work or something?"

"Yeah, she's got that summer job since school's been out."

Anna frowned as she dug through the spice drawer in the kitchen. "She works too hard."

"You don't have to tell me," he muttered, examining the photos on the fridge. "Someday when I'm flush with cash I'll buy her a house so she can actually relax for once."

The backyard was huge and filled with people. Mostly families that were separated by interest with the husbands gathered around the grill, the wives sitting properly on the patio and the kids raising hell on the vast green lawn. Some kids their age were sulking around a wooden swing set, grumbling into their lemonades and David was trying to figure out if he knew any of them when he realized Anna had led him straight to the middle of the herd of dads. Bobby threw his sweaty arm around his shoulders and swung him around. "Is this the kid, Rod?" he asked, just as David locked eyes with the officer from the night at the armory.

Rod chuckled into his beer can and shuffled over, trying to look menacing even though his face was beet red. "Well, look-ee here! If it isn't young Fletch."

"Stop, you two," Anna admonished and pulled David away from her father. "I actually like this one, so be nice."

"All the more reason to run him off, honey!" Bobby laughed and grabbed the tongs off the BBQ, turning his attention back to the grill. "When she's done showing you off, David, come back over so I can show you how a man grills a burger!"

David smiled and nodded, turning sharply to Anna when Bobby looked away. "Can we leave now?"

"Sorry, kitten," she whispered, holding his hand tightly. "We can sneak out as soon as we eat, ok-"

"Anne Rosemary!" her mother called from the patio.

"Oh for shit's sake," she whispered and rolled her eyes while David stifled a laugh. "Yes, Mom?"

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