Chapter 2

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I  have tried so much to be brave...

and the next thing I did is... opened all the lights in the room!!

The girl who was facing towards the wall turned towards me in the way like... I had done a big mistake and her face turns angry towards me...

She was looking so scary I didn't tell a word, ignored her and fastly moved towards my bed and removed the bedsheet and thrown it in the corner of my room... now I opened my bag and pull out a new bedsheet and spread it over the bed and swept the room and tried very hard to make the room better but the colour of the wall was effecting the room in a scary way...

As it was a night I couldn't do anything for that.... so that's why I turned back towards the bed to sleep... but I found that girl in front of me in an angry manner.....

So, I thought... I can't ignore her more as I need to stay with her, try to be friendly and said,

"Hey!! I am Aliza!"

and forwarded my hand towards her...

She didn't shake hands with me and gave me a very angry look and said," Don't try to come near me, it's a warning and never ever try to touch anything at my side be at your side only"

I was seeing a really weird girl in my life for the first time.

I don't understand what is wrong with her?
and why is she making the room scary?
as all the rooms in this hostel are quite better not worst like this room.

Anyways I have managed to sleep in such a stupid place.

Next Day

I was happy to go to my new college as it was the first day for me.

At least I was thinking that maybe at the college I may get some nice girls who will be my friends...

But I was thinking that is that girl belongs to my college or not..?

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