05 | Stay or Get Out

Start from the beginning

"Aryah!? Is everything alright?" Cain throws up his hands, telling me to stop.

Jace catches up. "She's fleeing, your grace" He crosses his arms and smirks.

Cain furrows his brows and points at him "What did you do Jace!?"

Confused, he responds "Nothing your grace! I watched her climb out of the windo. You should be asking Damien." He rolls his eyes. Cain sighs. Leaning over and helping me up.

He begins speaking to the two ladies behind him, who look equally as confused. "Morgan, Madilyn. I will catch up with you. Please leave us." They both curtsey to him and walk towards the house. Cain waits for them to get out of hearing distance before he continues. "Where is Damien?"

"I'm right here." We all look back to the large tree shadowing over us. He was sitting comfortably on a large branch. What the hell!? Had he been watching this entire time? and how the hell did he get there?

He jumps down, nimbly and approaches us casually. He crosses his arms, shifts his gaze over to me as he begins speaking. "I was curious what she would do when she realized she was alone." Jace chimes in. "Guess we found out." He raises an eyebrow. Cain silent. In deep thought. We stand for a few moments before Cain takes another deep breath. "Aryah, Why? I offered you my home." I look down to the ground and rub my arm anxiously. He reaches out his hand. "Come. Let's walk." I briefly look up to Cain's eyes. Slightly pained. I shift my gaze to his hand and nervously reach out for it. He wraps his fingers around my hand and gently pulls me into the entrance of the forest. We walk past Jace and Damien. I could feel their stare burning into the back of my head. The overwhelming sense of shame washes over me.

We walk through the forest for some time in silence. It feels like ages actually. Until finally we reach an opening. He pauses for a moment and turns around to face me. He looks over at me and nods. "You... you're letting me go?" I say confused. "You are not a hostage Aryah." He shrugs. "If you continue north you will reach the capital." He crosses his arms and waits for my next move. I look over to the path and back at him. "You obviously want to go. So, go." His voice so monotone. No emotion. My body stills. Oh. Have you ever thought you wanted something so desperately, then when you get it, it's not exactly what you expected? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling. Stupid. I screwed up my chances with them I guess I better make the best of it.

Silence fills the air as thoughts run through my mind. He never takes his eyes off of me.

"Or..." He blurts out.

"Or?" He pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Or.. you can come back and stay as a guest."

I think for a moment. How could I go back to them. Especially the way Damien looked at me. Jace obviously has an issue with me. "I'm sorry your grace, but I cannot accept. I need to find out for myself." Cain pauses for a moment, processing my response. I think he was taken aback by my words. "If that is what you wish." He almost sounds disappointed.

I curtsy to him "Thank you your grace, for everything. It was lovely to meet you." I begin to walk but he stands in my way. "Please be careful." His face neutral. I nod at him and continue on past him.

I walk for about forty-five minutes through the forest. My thoughts take over. "This is for the best... right?" "I should have asked for a change of clothes." I stop, furrowing my brows. "Have I walked past this tree already!?" I slap my forehead in defeat. "I'm lost."

"You're lost, huh?" I turn around to see a roughed up man, ripped tank top, five o'clock shadow, muddy boots and don't get me started on his smell. "Get away from me" I shoo him away. "Aw you're so innocent. I was just looking to rob someone for their money. Didn't think I'd be taking someone's virginity" He makes his way closer to me. I take a few steps back, tripping over a fallen tree. "What!?" I say repulsed. He grabs my shirt, lifting me up to stand. My immediate reaction was to punch him in the dick. He of course hunches over in pain as I distance myself from him. He laughs through his pain. "Ou, kinky." He charges at me, catching the sleeve of my shirt and yanking me towards him. I push against his chest but he was surprisingly strong. "How lucky am I to find such a beautiful girl" He whispers in my ear. "So stupid to be walking in the forest by yourself lil lady." He rubs his face against my cheek, taking in a deep breath. His breath out is cut short as he shoves me away from him. Confused by his sudden change in demeanor, I stumble back. "I-is that...?" He seems to be staring at something beyond my shoulder. As if he's seen a ghost. "Forget this! It's not worth it!" He bursts into a sprint, taking off into the dark forest. I stand there in utter confusion. Until I hear an all too familiar voice. Cain.

"Aryah." He says flatly. I turn on my heels to face him. I didn't need to say anything for him to know how I felt. "I barely made it an hour." I sigh. "You followed me?" He nods "I needed to make sure you got to the path safely." "Thank you..." I whisper. "I will tell Damien and Jace to calm down. I think we were insensitive to your situation. Overwhelming you perhaps." He walks closer to me, reaching out his hand once again. "Please come back with me." So warm. I place my hand in his. He places it underneath his arm, around onto his forearm, linking our arms. We turn back into the direction of the house.

As we walk through the forest, I decide to speak up "Cain, I'm so sorry to cause this. I said I would try not to be an inconvenience. All I'm doing is causing drama." He thinks about my words for a moment. "The others do not need to know of our conversation" I nod. I felt comfortable, strong beside him.

We finally make it back to the estate. I pause at the entrance of the forest, to see Damien, Jace and the two young ladies standing in front of the house. Cain catches my anxiety. "Relax Aryah. No one will say anything to you." He pulls me towards them. As we approach them, Jace rolls his eyes and walks into the house. Damien stares for a brief moment before following Jace into the house.

"Ugh, forget them." The first young lady speaks. "Aryah! I'm so happy you stayed!" The second young lady chimes in. "Thank god we need some new spice in our life" They both giggle, making me smile. Cain turns to me. "Aryah, this is Morgan and Madilyn, I trust them with my life, as can you. Enjoy ladies." The two young ladies curtsey to him and he unhooks my arm from his. I suddenly feel insecure without him beside me. He continues into the home.

I stare at them, focusing on their faces. Both incredibly beautiful. Thick black hair, into the perfect sock bun. The same outfit, one in red and the other in grey, crop top and short skirts, military style boots. Full lips, light brown eyes and dark skin. "Are... are you...? Morgan smirks "Twins?" Madilyn finishes her sentence. "Identical!" I smile at them, they're adorable. "Listen, I'm sure you're sick of wearing Damien's clothes." Morgan crosses her arms as Madilyn in deep thought as she stares at my baggy clothes. My eyes widen as I realize what she just said. "I'm sure you'd love to take a shower too!" They giggle. "Let's head inside so we can fix you up!" They speak about this as if it was a normal daily activity.

Wait, wait, wait

"Did you say, Damien's clothes!?"

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