Chapter 4: New Orleans

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“No way. I don't trust someone who just came here to take us there - how do we know she won't make a mistake?” Wyatt said, clearly not happy about what I had offered.

I waited to see everyone else's reaction.

“No, Wyatt. I can trust Emma more than drunk Mason.” Lucy said, and it actually surprised me. “We don't have another choice. She clearly is a great mind, she won't make a mistake.”

Well, that stressed me out.

Wyatt sighed. Denise and Flynn, to my surprise, agreed with Lucy and Denise just made sure I knew what to do, because it was too complicated. I didn't expect them to trust me. Not right now.

Mason had no idea what was even going on - I think Lucy held on to that.

“So, we're going to be me, Lucy, Wyatt and Emma?” Flynn asked Denise, unsure about her answer.

“No, Flynn, you're not going. Emma needs a familiar face.” Wasn't Denise the one who didn't trust me most of all? “Killian is going to go with them.” she looked over at Killian.

Whoa, what? I certainly did not expect that to happen, and neither did anybody else.

Killian was taken aback. “Me? Why not one of her parents?” he asked, in shock.

“No, Killian. You're going. We told this to Denise.” David said, and both of us were surprised by David's trust to Killian - wasn't he just a pirate?

I could see he was nervous about this, he hadn't really been in a time machine and in New Orleans of 1718. He looked at me, waiting for me to confirm that I wanted him with me. So I just nodded at him, and it made his smile huge.

I loved seeing Killian smile - he didn't do it often. But when he did, it meant he was really happy and comfortable about something. And it made me happy too.

“To the wardrobe!” Wyatt said, hinting the wardrobe as probably his favourite part of the trip.

Apparently, we had to dress up as French people of the 18th century - this room really included everything, outfits from every country and culture and from every era. It was magical - I could spend an eternity trying all of these outfits.

Thankfully, as Lucy informed us, French ladies didn't wear corsets, unlike the English ones. I would be doomed if I had to wear this uncomfortable thing. Both me and Lucy wore a mantua - which was the gown of this era and place. Mine was light pink, but with some tones of orange, making it an interesting color. Lucy's mantua was dark green with little yellow flowers on it.

On the inside, we wore a petticoat (with a hoop on the inside), which was made of a not-so-luxurious material - it was plain, and the same color as our gowns. The sleeves ended bell-shaped at the elbow and there was a little bit of lace at the ending.

The hairstyle didn't have to be complex and impressing - it was just a bun on the crown of our heads, leaving out some hairs to fall into our faces. Classic 18th century.

“Why would I wear this ridiculous thing when the style is similar to my pirate outfit?” I heard Killian complain so I went to see what the boys were wearing.

He wasn't wrong - the style was actually like his own outfit - but it wouldn't pass. The difference was, he wore red stockings (socks that come up to the knee) and breeches made of linen instead of his leather pants. He kept his shoes though - they were just simple shoes of this era.

Magic Of Time ♡ Captain Swan/LyattHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin